Monday, November 4, 2019

Security Roles In An Organization Research Paper

Security Roles In An Organization - Research Paper Example It is for this reason that the protection of an organization’s asset is very relevant for the growth and development of the organizations. For most organizations, there are specialized departments and units that take care of the management of their assets. Protection of asset is however seen in most contexts as a security issue and so its management and for that matter protection is left in the care of competent security professionals. In this paper, the results gathered from an interview with security personnel on the role security plays in protecting an organization’s assets are discussed. Professional responsibilities of security directors One of the major aspects of the interview touched on the roles that various security professionals play in the organizations. With a specific emphasis on the security director, it was realized that the role that the security plays in the organization is multi-variant. What this means is that the security director’s role cuts across several aspects of the organization’s asset management. Generally, the security director is expected to protect two major types of asset, namely tangible and intangible assets (Kolsaker and Lee-Kelley, 2008). Tangible assets are those types of assets that can be touched and seen such as vehicles, money, buildings, machinery, computers, manufactured products, and others. Intangible assets are those assets that cannot be seen or touched. These include database, copyright property, human capital, talent pipeline, organizational strategy, among others. As part of protection, the security director is mandated to prevent loss. This means that the security director is obliged to ensure that the quantitative value of the company’s asset will either remain same or they will appreciate. Under no justifiable condition should there be a reduction. To make this position, investigations and other administrative and managerial functions are required. In effect, the security d irector uses a preventive approach to protection so that losses will not occur before means of retrieving losses would even be talked about. Critical skills required for security personnel Having noted the depth of responsibility that the security director and for that matter security had in protecting the asset of the organization, the question of critical skills required for the execution of the roles were asked. It would be noted that the rendering of security service is seen as a professional duty and so comes with some well defined skills and knowledge that a person ought to possess in order to function effectively in that duty (Gray, 2004). The interviewee thus stressed that, observational skills, critical thinking skills, organizational skills, self control, innovativeness, being visionary, and interpersonal relationship were all skills that were needed for a person to function actively. From the skills that were named by the interviewee, there were three major categorization s that could be given to them. The first of these is personal development skills; second is group development skills; and third is organization development skills. In effect, the critical skills required for a security coordinator to succeed should be ones that make the coordinator proactive as a person, gives him the ability to work effectively in a team, and finally take the holistic skill of functioning

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