Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Impact Of Technology In Education - 1533 Words
As the suggestions of constructivism appear on the fringes of education, there is a polarizing argument about what place technology has in schools. Students are coming to school with computers in the form of phones, tablets, or laptops in their pockets and backpacks. Some schools are leading the charge with BYOD (bring your own device) or BYOT (bring your own technology) initiatives. However, there are still districts, schools, and teachers who will not allow technology into their classrooms. Many schools and teachers want to avoid the potential problems, so they adopt a no phone policy, while other schools are trying to integrate technology and BYOD initiatives. This literature review will examine research related to technology†¦show more content†¦The Tech Industry: Advantages and disadvantages It is estimated there will ten billion cell phones being used in about ten years’ time (Bring your own device security, p.1). Mobile devices are becoming integral to so cial fabric of society and are undoubtedly having an impact on educational institutions. In 2013, EYGM information technology and security firm released a study which examined the risks of bringing mobile devices into a protected system such as schools or businesses. Allowing employees to hook up to the internet at work through their phone is an attractive initiative, but it does have its hazards and drawbacks. One of the biggest risks when allowing a BYOD is security and the danger of allowing open access to virtual private networks (VPN). It becomes an issue of constant monitoring and has an element and fear of data loss as malware is now being developed to target mobile devices, and IT departments are concerned about instabilities in the network they need to manage. It is integral that if educational institutions open the door to these technologies, there must be security factors in place. The most important factor was the recommendation of using local VPN for devices, and ensuring that leadership provide means to monitor with â€Å"continuous attention toShow MoreRelatedImpact of Technology on Education1146 Words  | 5 Pages------------------------------------------------- Positive Impact of Technology on Education Technology plays a very important role in the field of education, especially in this 21st century. In fact, computer technology has become easier for teachers to transfer knowledge and for students to obtain it. The use of technology has made the process of teaching and learning more convenient. Talking in a positive sense, the impact of technology on education has been extraordinary. Using Internet and computersRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On Education802 Words  | 4 Pages The use of technology expanding broadly in different aspects of our lives and technology plays a significant role in modern society. The technology used globally and it impacts our lives daily for instant: government, businesses, schools, workplace, environment, and household. The technological evolution led humanity from the dark ages to enlightenment and agriculture to industrial. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the definition of technology means â€Å"the practical application of knowledgeRe ad MoreImpact Of Technology On Education829 Words  | 4 PagesImpact of Technology on Education The way we teach students in the modern classroom has massively changed throughout the years. One major changing factor is the development and use of technology. Before, classrooms were filled with paper, pencils, crayons, and all things needed to be completely hands on with our education. Now, most classrooms have replaced these things with tablets and laptops and smart boards that students get to spend all day staring at. Technology has the potentialRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Education985 Words  | 4 Pagesthis decade, technology has significant influence in many areas of society especially for improving education, language acquisition, support learning, and it is a great way to access to information. In fact, nowadays students depend on their machine such as computers, laptops, mobile phone to study in the classroom or outside the class. In addition, they use the internet to communicate with teachers and to help them do research for information they need to do homework. Although, technology is a substantialRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Education2762 Words  | 12 Pages Technology advancement has really provided new platforms for various disciplines leading to great improvements in the education process. Furthermore, education has been thoroughly lightened as a result of technology being applied to education. Actually, technology can be thought of as the application the scientific knowledge and approaches for the different purposes and in this case, education approaches like learning and teaching. In almost two decade technological approaches have been done andRead MoreThe Impact of Technology on Education4413 Words  | 18 Pagesï » ¿The Impact of Technology on Education 16 Introduction Higher education is undergoing a radical shift from localized, teacher-centered, face-to-face courses to student-centered online and hybrid courses offered by global universities. The traditional delivery of education is being supplemented and replaced by digital education models. The proliferation of information on the Web, the proliferation of instructional systems vendors, and the burden on faculty to design hybrid courses threaten theRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On Education And Education Essay1317 Words  | 6 Pages Education has evolved tremendously over the past centuries. From one room school houses, segregated schools, to public and private schools, forms of education and how we receive it are always changing. In the past decade, technology has become a large part of education and schooling. Views on types of schooling and education are changing rapidly. Videos and articles can be found all over the Internet on basically any subject you can think of. Much of todayâ €™s schooling is done through online classesRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Education1134 Words  | 5 Pagesfact that United States of America’s education program is a far stretch from futuristic in most districts; application of technology has undoubtedly showed itself to be a critical factor in most high performing schools. Technology not only improves the learning environment to better fit the student, but also offers previously inaccessible learning material to students. If seen as an investment by the schools for the benefit of the students, private technology assigned to each student would betterRead MoreImpact Of Technology On Education1404 Words  | 6 PagesWith the great advances in technology, one can accomplish many great feats, be it Virtual Reality, a backpack desktop computer and even smart watches. However, technology has influenced many other parts of our world including education. How has technology influenced education? How do the pupils re ceive an education? How does technology play a viable role in this process? I will specifically be focusing on how education in South Africa is affected by technology. Technology has played a valuable roleRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On Education809 Words  | 4 Pageschannels that technology has been able to assert its influence is in the digitization of every perspective of human life. Most of the human activities have adopted a technology; a move normally referred to as digitizing, in their operation. Education has not been left behind. There has been an incorporation of the digital process of learning at all levels of education. The process has a very large influence on the field of education today. Before the introduction of technology in education, learning
Monday, December 23, 2019
Effectiveness Of Risk Management And Business Development...
In the highly competitive global environment, organizations are facing more uncertainties and risks that any organization should pay more attention to risk management. According to an effective governance, organizations can take opportunities successfully, and a good risk management can be the fundamental security for effective governance. (reference1) This essay answers the question â€Å"how can risk management contribute to effective governance within organizations†and classifies the explains in three parts. Firstly, the system construction of risk management is the benefit for governance institution to control organizations’ situation comprehensively and make appropriate strategies and objectives. Secondly, education and publicity can†¦show more content†¦Summarising the results and feedback, organizations gain timely information and complete data about risk profile, and make risk-based decisions consequently. (reference2). Therefore, the support and information offered by risk management allow the organizations have an effective operation, that is, risk management is an important part of organization governance. Risk management provides the board significant information about risks, leads them to the effective governance, and supports organizations to achieve their goals. Base on this, the question how can risk management contribute to effective governance within organizations can be explained as follows. 2.1 System construction During the process of risk management, managers can establish management systems to administer risks comprehensively. A good risk management system increases the utility of internal control and further prompts the effective management of organizations’ risks. These systems are based on comprehensive risk management procedures that governance institution can recognise, evaluate, detect and control various risks timely, and make sure the critical risks of organizations can be managed scientifically and effectively. Firstly, the tool (or method) system helps to determine complete risk management policies and procedures, formulate risk management guidelines, design tools orShow MoreRelatedThe Field Of Banking And Finance934 Words  | 4 Pagesevery organizations are yet organized to deal with IT risk in an integrated way nor do all of them face the same levels of IT risk and or share similar risk side view. It is different to one another however, is compelling those are facing rising incident rates in the areas of security, availability, performance and compliance with noteworthy impact on revenue, reputation, productivity, and cost. (ISIT Risk Management in Banking Industry, 2011) Every organizations should try to manage IT risks effectivelyRead MoreManaging Objectives Of Building Risk Management1675 Words  | 7 Pages(pay for performance, accountable care organizations, physician  hospital alignment) can be overwhelming. These new regulations have associated risks of these activities that will impact an organization’s strategic planning. As a result, many boards and executive teams are taking steps to improve the effectiveness of their risk management and risk governance efforts as these new risks emerge. One of the greatest challenges they face is the ability to make risk intelligent decisions for today, andRead MoreAction Plan For Implementation Of Three Large Supermarket Distribution Warehouses1148 Words  | 5 Pageswarehouse employs approximately 20-30 people. Typically, the workforce of each warehouse comprises the following: - One warehouse business manager - Picking and packing team, including manual loaders and unloaders, forklift drivers, et cetera - Distribution team, including drivers - Checkout team Each Team has one team leader. According to operational plans, the business plans to lift distribution capacity by 15% overall to meet projected demand. The target for Caboolture warehouse is 20%. After consultingRead MoreFraud Risk Assessment1083 Words  | 5 Pages| Fraud Risk Assessment | | Fraud Risk Assessment | Fraud risk assessment is a process intended at proactively identifying and addressing an organization’s vulnerabilities to internal and external fraud. The fraud risk assessment is more of an art than a science. Every organization is different therefore what gets evaluated and what is assessed depends on the organization. Fraud risk assessments are an ongoing, continuous process rather than just an activity. A fraud risk assessmentRead MoreHuman Resource Management ( Hrm ) Concepts1429 Words  | 6 PagesHuman resource management (HRM) concepts are strongly tied to management effectiveness as well as an organizations overall success. In this report the author will examine the importance of a strong human resource department and how that influences the day-to-day running of the business. â€Å"Increasingly, what makes organizations effectiveness is how they organize staff and manage their human capital. It’s important for organizations to have the right amount of financial capital and hard assets, butRead MorePerformance Evaluation Tools and Their Effective Implementation1323 Words  | 5 Pagesweaknesses. Through this self assessment, the individuals can alter his development or training to better progress his or her skillset. The first key concept related to effective performance evaluation is the notion of succession training. Inevitably, personnel in leadership positions will leave to pursue other endeavors. Subsequently, appropriate talent must be trained in order to help foster continued growth within the particular business. Performance evaluations first help identify the available talentRead MoreMeasuring Organizational Affective Of An Organization1278 Words  | 6 PagesMeasuring organizational affective miss pertains to question theirs which are aligned with instruments from the holistic organization. The data collection of the question years r eve al you weigh shins of a business that are held in a database 4 the purpose of the back with in the organization. The organization is looking for effects of tennis with in question years that are administer to accomplish sources of 4 the company’s 66. The evo you weigh shins r 4 the purpose of the mission and the goalRead MoreDo Auditors Need t o Have in-Depth Knowledge of Information Technology?1362 Words  | 6 Pagesdata, and understand the business purposes for the systems and the situation in which the systems operate. The other important uses for networks and computers by auditors are in audit administration. By pursuing new uses for computers and communications, auditors can direct their activities more effectively and improve their skill to review systems information. Automated tools give auditors the chance to increase individual productivity and audit function. The development of auditing in the fastRead MoreFinancial Trends In Health Care977 Words  | 4 Pagesallows company the ability to leverage debt with profit increase. They’re several type of healthcare facility such as; Independent Living Communities, Assisted Living Facilities, Residential Care Facilities and Continuing Care Communities. Medical organization, often strive to develop an economical facility for universal care; Assistant Living (Adult Nursing Homes) in royal areas of Columbia, South Carolina. The level of care in this healthcare facility can provide patient with either intermediateRead MoreImpact Of Data Breaches On Users Necessitated Emergence Of State And Federal Laws895 Words  | 4 Pagesfederal laws mandating organizations to adhere to certain information security protocols. FERPA, HIPPA, GLBA, PCIDSS are few laws that requires organizations to draft and implement information security practices to protect the information at their disposal. Organizations started creating compliance teams and compliance programs to ensure their adherence and compliance with various laws and regulation. But the latest data breaches that have occurred in various organizations like Sony, Target, and
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Medical Equipment Inc Free Essays
Medical Equipment INC Q1) No, Grover thought that he has a good understanding for the culture because he was raised in Saudi Arabia, but the reality is he grew in an expatriate compound with limited contact with the Saudi people or the Saudi culture. He went to an Indian school and then went to take his college degree in the USA. His internships gave him the opportunity to work in France and the United States. We will write a custom essay sample on Medical Equipment Inc or any similar topic only for you Order Now The internships prepared him to work in the field but Saudi business concept is foreign to him. Grover did not understand the Saudi culture and missed some critical points while he was trying to get the deal. He knew that relationships are important in making business in Saudi Arabia which is completely true. The problem was he tried to build relations with the wrong persons the foreign cardiologist, the Egyptian biomedical engineer and the purchasing manager, but he could not reach the purchasing director. In a hierarchy community as Saudi Arabia the purchasing director is the most important one to build a relation with he is the one who can give Grover the deal. Grover spent his time building relation with people who can’t help him with the deal. It was obvious for me that Al Humaidi was avoiding meeting with Grover and when he finally met him after approximately one month it was a formal conversion. I lived in Saudi Arabia for 9 years and from my experience Saudi’s only have a say in Saudi Arabia. Foreigners or non Saudi Arabs working there have no say when it comes to business deals. A Saudi will always prefer to work with an Arab like Najjar and not an Indian because of the language and religious similarities this may sound harsh but is true especially in a situation like this where Al Humaidi had established a long relation with Najjar. Q2) Bribe is never justified and it is unethical, unless you are working in a pharmaceutical company or in a medical equipment company. I am a pharmacist who worked in Egypt and lived in Saudi Arabia and from my experience that all the deals in this field need bribes. Bribes are not ethical at all but are a common practice in field of pharmaceutical and medical equipment companies. In Grover’s case it’s within company rules to offer a trip to a business customer to one of the showrooms to view and get more details regarding medical equipments latest software and technology. This can be considered a bride but it’s not as obvious as cash. Cash bribery’s is not allowed, and would be a mistake. The hospital that Al Humaidi works for is a government owned one with a large budget to work with so if Grover offered money this wouldn’t be viewed as an incentive to buy the medical equipment. In Egypt companies give the mangers of the client gifts depending on the field that the company works in and how popular and attractive the actual product being offered is. I remember a famous company that produces the devices that measures blood sugar level, in a way to promote its devices the company offered the product free to the physicians and the pharmacies with the strips needed so the physician can use it himself on patients or give it as a gift or use it in his clinic and the pharmacy of course will use it to measure the blood sugar level for the customer. The company will get double benefit, the physician and the pharmacy will advertise the product to the patient by using this device and the patient will be advised to buy one. Q3) Grover has limited options that may be acceptable. There are 4 options I see as possible the first one is to continue in his way of conducting business. Grover’s current plan of action is morally and ethically safe, will not break any rules of the company or of his conscious but he may lose the deal. The second option is to proceed with the trip offer which will give him a chance to win the deal and in the same time he can document it as a business expense so it will not look as a bribe. As a show of commitment Grover should accompany Al Humaidi to the trip to help build a long lasting relationship. By going on the trip with Al Humaidi he can try to secure the current sale and also build for the future by assuring Al Humaidi that Medical Equipment INC. will be ready to work with him and be there for support and logistical backup and no also provide the best, outstanding technology for a reasonable price. The third option is to create a plan B and try to secure a sale regardless of the size, just to try and get in good favor with Al Humaidi with a potential of future business. It seems that even with careful analysis and generating a sales plan that offered all the best equipment according to the hospitals needs; this was still not adequate to secure the sale. From what Grover knows now he can create a plan B and modify the list of equipment that is offered and tailor it to the needs of the engineering and cardiology department only. The ECG machine that is being offered is far superior to that of the equivalent product that Wilson’s is offering. Knowing this and already having established a positive relationship with Dr. Saxman, Grover can push the two products that appeal more to the hospital. If the desired sale of $725,000USD worth of equipment is out of reach, then Grover could go forward with plan B and put an emphasis on the two ranges of products that Medical Equipment INC. has the edge over. While implementing this plan Grover already knows he is in good place with the cardiology department and engineering department so he could meet again with the purchasing manager Sultan and persuade him to schedule a meeting between the cardiology, engineering department, Sultan and Al Humaidi to discuss the new plan. This way not only would Grover have the support of the department but he would have a Saudi in Sultan to help push this new idea. Al Humaidi will be still able to take the two devices from Grover and take the other devices the hospital needs from Najjar. In the case it was mentioned that the low or high estimation of the order is wrong and will result in losing the deal but in Grover case he make the right evaluation of the need of the hospital but he will provide just 2 devices of these needs and this is acceptable, during my work in a governmental institution that need medical devices I saw a lot of deals involve buying the needs of the institution from 2 and 3 different companies depend on the price and the quality of the devices each company offers. So it is not weird or strange to just provide part of the needs even when you can provide it all it depends on the situation of the deal. The One option that would cause him to lose the deal is to offer cash to Al Humaidi. For one Grover would not be able record the cash gift and it would be highly against company ethic code. If an unethical cash type bride was offered, Grover would not be able to predict the reaction of Al Humaidi and the deal could be lost and Grover could risk his job or worse be deported from the country. Q4) I think the best option is to go with the trip option. In my field of work in pharmacy I saw these trips happen a lot and it is a common practice in the pharmaceutical and medical equipment companies. It’s an acceptable way to close the deals and gives the seller a higher percentage of closing the deal. So I think this trip will give him a great opportunity to win this deal especially if he went with the director in it and build a good relation with him and at the same time Grover won’t risk his position in the company because it is not considered a bribe or unethical for the medical equipment’s company. If the trip did not secure the deal he can always use plan B which will be easier to use after the trip because of the good relation he built with Al Humaidi. How to cite Medical Equipment Inc, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Trade Policy of Australia-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment
Question: Discuss about the Trade policy-comment on Australia's trade policy. Answer: Trade policies consist of rules that are derived for exchange of goods at the global market. These rules will consist of tariffs, import regulations, export regulations and quotas and are developed so that foreign exchange of goods can occur smoothly without any hindrance. The trade policies are set in such a way that it will have a positive impact on economy, employment and the various industries. The countries having restrictive trade policies have less growth in their economy than that following trade openness. As stated by Salvatore (2014), the majority of the nations are focusing on reducing their trade barriers and free trade agreements have become popular in all the continents, which started a new era of globalization. As stated by Taylor and Taylor (2017), Australia has strong trade relationship with various countries due to it location and they have developed several policies in the past decade that will facilitate their international trade. Australia has established six free trade agreements, which have enabled them to improve their economic growth. The Australian economy has grown significantly in the past decade and this is possible due to the foreign policies they have developed. Australia is one of the largest exporters of agricultural products and livestock so developing effective trade policies will enable them to boost their economy. There has been significant growth in Australian due to the increase in their export volumes. This has been possible because of the free trade policies that the government has developed. As opined by Handley (2014), the key to understanding the effectiveness of trade policies is development. Development will consist of commensurate growth in production, employment opportunities and investment and population growth. There has been significant growth in the economy of the country as Australia is a heavy exporter of goods and the author is of the same opinion that to maintain heavy inflow of capital, high level of earnings form exports is required. It is impossible for Australia to be self-sufficient when resources are concerned. Therefore, the cost of imports can only be controlled by increasing the export earnings. The growth in exports in the past decade has increased the employment opportunities in the entire sector. The economy of Australia grew by 1.1 percent in the last quarter in the year of 2016, which shows that there has been uninterrupted growth in the past two decade (Kenyon and van der Eng 2017). The country has experienced hindrance free growth only due t o the abundance of resources within the country. Australia has never encountered consecutive negative dip in their economic growth, which shows that they have never faced recession. The average growth of the organization has been 3.2 in the past decade and the trade policies in Australia have been instrumental in driving that growth (Tang 2017). Exports have made a strong performance in the past decade and in the last fiscal year, it has been seen that after decrement in value of goods exports in the past two years there has been steady increase in the exports. Exports contribute to 19% of the GDP of the country which means that considerable amount of economic growth is dependent on this trade policies. According to Matsushita et al. (2015), factor endowment has been crucial in influencing the trade pattern in the Australian economy. The free trade policies have attracted large number of foreign investors, which has led to the development of the industrial sector. Initially the largest trade of Australia was United States and Britain but in the past decade, the country has moved towards Asia. China, South Korea and Japan have become trading partners of Australia, which has been possible due to the open market they have developed with minimal restriction of import. The economy of Australia has become dynamic and flexible due to its free trade policy. The trade policies have stimulated productivity and growth on a continuous basis. Trade liberalization is the policy applied by the foreign government. They had implemented unilaterally, multilaterally, and bilaterally trade liberalization for strengthening the economic growth. Moreover, it will reduce the risk faced by the country while trading the global market and accelerate growth. As stated by Qi and Zhang (2018), the geographical location of the country will have an impact on trade relations. Trade openness can be used by the country depends on the location and facilitates in bilateral trade. Bilateral trade can be defined as the volume of trade between two economies and the geographical distance between them will be inversely proportional to the trade volumes. This is main reason that Australia has been formed free trade agreements in the Asian countries, which contributes to the development of the countrys industrial structure and economy. Even though then trade openness ration of the country has been low in the past decades, Australia has been able to make progress due to their trade regulations The disposable income of the general population is high which shows that there has steady availability of employment opportunities (Dogan, Seker and Bulbul 2017). The industrial growth in the past decade is high which can explained as the minerals and mining are on e of the leading export commodities in the country and has provided major trade opportunities. Factor endowment consists of the abundant resources in a country and Australia has been blessed with natural resources. The availability of natural resources and effective trade policies has been the major strategy for maintaining steady economic growth for a country like Australia. Thus, it can be deduced that trade policies and geographic location are important factors in developing a countrys openness. Australia has made use of their location and trade policies to create an open market, which has facilitated their foreign trade. Australia has effectively made use of their available resources by developing trade policies that will provide the country with comparative advantage in the global context. Therefore, it can be concluded from the critical analysis that trade policies are been instrumental in solidifying the economy, employment and industrial growth in Australia. The country has maintained stability in their economic in the past two decade and it has been possible only due to their trade policies. References Dogan, E., Seker, F. and Bulbul, S., 2017. Investigating the impacts of energy consumption, real GDP, tourism and trade on CO2 emissions by accounting for cross-sectional dependence: A panel study of OECD countries.Current Issues in Tourism,20(16), pp.1701-1719. Handley, K., 2014. Exporting under trade policy uncertainty: Theory and evidence.Journal of International Economics,94(1), pp.50-66. Kenyon, D. and van der Eng, P., 2017. Australia and the EU: Partners in the New Trade Agenda.Australia, the European Union and the New Trade Agenda, p.257. Matsushita, M., Schoenbaum, T.J., Mavroidis, P.C. and Hahn, M., 2015.The World Trade Organization: law, practice, and policy. Oxford University Press. Qi, C. and Zhang, J.X., 2018. The economic impacts of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement-A general equilibrium analysis.China Economic Review,47, pp.1-11. Salvatore, D. ed., 2014.National Trade Policies. Elsevier. Tang, E. 2017.Australia has experienced the longest period of economic growth in the developed world - Austrade. [online] Austrade.gov.au. Available at: https://www.austrade.gov.au/news/economic-analysis/australia-has-experienced-the-longest-economic-growth-among-major-developed-world [Accessed 2 Feb. 2018]. Taylor, S. and Taylor, M., 2017. The Aroma of Opportunity: The Potential of Wine Geographical Indications in the Australia-India Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement. InThe Importance of Place: Geographical Indications as a Tool for Local and Regional Development(pp. 81-107). Springer, Cham.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Water Problem in Pakistan free essay sample
Stankovic Joice Marcano English 9th grade 16. 05. 2013 Position Paper – Pakistan Water contamination in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is an extremely severe problem. There is not enough clean water in the country and high percentage of the population has no access to the clean water. Because of disability to get clean water, many people are getting infected by different diseases and dying. According to the studies done by the Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR): â€Å"250, 000 children die each year in Pakistan as a result of diarrheal illnesses which stem from drinking impure water. (Luffman, Laurinda. 2011) Now a days this still continues being major conflict in Pakistan, affecting all living things, together with the agriculture of the country. Water pollution decreases the fertility of soil, and causes more economic problems. Many different organizations are working to decrease the contamination level in Pakistan, such like: UNICEF; Pakistan Environ mental Protection Agency; Association for Water, Applied Education and Renewable Energy(AWARE); Association of Humanitarian Development, some non-governmental organizations (NGO); etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Water Problem in Pakistan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Different organizations are contributing in different ways. UNICEF, for instance, was helping Pakistan financially to obtain safe water supplies for 5 million people. Also, PCRWR (Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources), UNICEF and other International NGOs work together to enable more rural and urban access to safe clean water. PCRWR (Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources) together with UNICEF are working to provide arsenic removal technology/equipment for people. Some of the main causes of water pollutions are the industrial effluents and sewage waters (like manufacturing). Fertilizers and pesticides are also some of the main causes of water pollution that is in the underground level. They dissolve and seep into water, contaminating it. The statistics of the annual health reports show that Pakistan has scary amount of people and children dying each year because of diseases from using polluted water. In fact, based on the health report from 2011 from the Pakistan Medical Association (PMA): â€Å"†¦one child dies every minute from EPI (expanded program on immunisation diseases), diarrhea and acute respiratory infection (ARI). (PPI. 2011) Pakistan believes there should be a right added to the constitution to guarantee every citizen would have legal access to clean fresh water. To accomplish this, the government needs to make sure that every citizen will have this right, not only the people in good economic situations (this means that the people and families from rural regions and poor people need to have the same right of using the fresh water). This can be done if the government works more in getting the water cleaned and tested so it? sure that there is no risk of getting infected. The government could make some penalties for people who contaminate the water. Despite that, they need to provide some kind of education (especially for poor people or people from rural regions) so they can understand the situation and how the contamination of water affects them and the whole country. Works cited: Luffman, Laurinda. â€Å"The dangers of contaminated water in Pakistan†soschildrensvillages. org. uk. Apr 19, 2011. 08. 05. 2013. lt;http://www. soschildrensvillages. org. k/about-our-charity/archive/2011/04/the-dangers-of-contaminated-water-in-pakistangt; â€Å"Pollution in Pakistan and its solutions†Technology Times. February 20, 2013. 08. 05. 2013. lt;http://www. technologytimes. pk/2013/02/20/pollution-in-pakistan-and-its-solutions/gt; PPI. †One child dies every minute in Pakistan: Report†Tribune. com. March 12, 2011. 08. 05. 2013. lt;http://tribune. com. pk/story/131565/one-child-dies-every-minute-in-pakistan-report/gt; â€Å"Water, Environment and Sanitation†Unicef. org. 08. 05. 2013. lt;http://www. unicef. org/pakistan/partners_1788. htmgt;
Monday, November 25, 2019
Bad Sources for Your Research Project
Bad Sources for Your Research Project In conducting research for homework or an academic paper, you are basically conducting a search for facts: little tidbits of truth that you will assemble and arrange in an organized fashion to make an original point or claim. Your responsibility as a researcher is to understand the difference between fact and fiction, as well as the difference between fact and opinion. When beginning your next assignment that requires sources, consider the credibility of those sources before including them in your final project. Here are some common sources to avoid; each of these may include opinions and works of fiction disguised as facts. Blogs As you know, anyone can publish a blog on the Internet. The problem with using a blog as a research source is there no way to know the credentials of many bloggers or to get an understanding of the writer’s level of expertise. People often create blogs to give themselves a forum to express their views and opinions. And many of these people consult less than reliable sources to form their beliefs. You could use a blog for a quote, but never use a blog as a serious source of facts for a research paper. Personal Web Sites A personal web page is much like a blog when it comes to being an unreliable research source. Web pages are created by the public, so you have to be careful when choosing them as sources. Its sometimes difficult to determine which websites are created by experts and professionals on a given topic. If you think about it, using information from a personal web page is much like stopping a perfect stranger on the street and collecting information from him or her. Wiki Sites Wiki websites can be informative, but they can also be untrustworthy. Wiki sites allow groups of people to add and edit the information contained on the pages. So its easy to see how a wiki source might contain unreliable information. The question that often arises when it comes to homework and research is whether it’s okay to use Wikipedia as a source of information. Wikipedia is a fantastic site with a wealth of great information, and it is the possible exception to the rule. Your teacher can tell you for certain if you can use Wikipedia as a source. At a minimum, Wikipedia offers a reliable overview of a topic to give you a strong foundation to start with. It also provides a list of resources where you can continue your own research. Movies Teachers, librarians, and college professors will tell you that students often believe things they’ve seen in movies. Whatever you do, don’t use a movie as a research source. Movies about historical events can contain kernels of truth, but unless its a documentary, movies are not for educational purposes. Historical Novels Students often believe that historical novels are trustworthy sources because they indicate that they are â€Å"based on facts.†There is a significant difference between a factual work and a work that is based on facts. A novel that is based on a single fact can still contain ninety-nine percent fiction. Therefore, its not advisable to use a historical novel as a historical resource. ï » ¿
Friday, November 22, 2019
Historically, attitudes toward alcohol cannot be separated from Essay
Historically, attitudes toward alcohol cannot be separated from ideologies and attitudes toward other social issues. To wh - Essay Example For instance, the role or significance of alcohol has changed extensively while the ways in which it is made have remained relatively rigid. This paper outlines that attitudes towards the consumption of alcohol are linked to specific attitudes and ideologies in the society. Alcohol consumption has been taken to imply other social perspectives in different cultures and eras. This will be expounded upon in the paper to identify what influenced these perspectives and what the consequences were to the consumption of liquor. The perspectives that some may have held towards alcohol may differ to those of other in another culture or within the same culture but with different views. Alcohol and Social Occasions Many Christians or those knowledgeable about the bible may be aware of an occasion where Jesus turned water into wine. The occasion was a wedding and the people had run out of wine. This had the potency to ruin the party. In history, alcohol has been associated with celebrations parti cularly those fully endorsed by the society such as weddings or the birth of a baby. The society would come together during such occasions and drink together, an action that had a deeper meaning that many would apprehend today. It was a way of bringing the community closer, in a way that it would bond and become more united towards achieving tasks. In those times, the community worked as one towards performing specific roles which may be equated to the family set up today. Consumption of alcohol was not as straight forward as it is today. It had to be consented by the â€Å"form of leadership†in the community and done in public by all those permitted to drink. This usually took place during occasions that had the theme of celebration such as after a hefty harvest or during a union between a man and a woman. It was hence impossible to separate such occasions and alcohol, particularly so because it was preserved for such occasions. People would be waiting for them to come and would not miss. It also performed pivotal roles in bringing together the community, this one of the most important unit that determined prosperity or failure. A community that would not come together to drink and rejoice after a favorable occasion was feeble and would not accomplish much. Alcohol and Social Status As stated earlier, the decision to brew beer (one of the most common form of alcohol at the time along with grape wine) was made by the community. This is not to say that the entire community would deliberate over the matter, rather the select few with the obligation to made decisions for the community as a whole. This meant that these individuals had a higher power (status) as compared to the ordinary civilians. This community set up is mutual to many cultures, which means that this group of was given different names and obligations. What is common in almost all cases is that social gatherings such as the one that would require the provision of alcohol were deliberated by these individuals. It is factual to assert that alcohol was largely linked to social class. Decisions on whether to drink, even on an individual level were dependent on whether those of a higher social status agreed to the idea. As this form of community slowly disintegrated and alcohol was incessantly availed to everyone at a cost, only those of the upper social class that could afford it continued to control it. In some way, it may be viewed that much did not change. Alcohol continued to be
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The European sovereign debt crisis dominated international financial Essay - 1
The European sovereign debt crisis dominated international financial markets during 2010-2012. Economies fell into recession and financial market volatility was high - Essay Example d not be contained as the problems only in the Greek region, given the economical and financial structure governing the European nations it was apparent that this crisis was a truly ‘European’ crisis and couldn’t be handled in isolation with any one country. The Greek deficit was a direct result of the The European Nation came into being in 1992 through the signing of the Maastricht Treaty. The treaty established the euro as legal tender for all the participating nations, with the exclusive responsibility of forming the monetary policy for the euro zone falling on the European Central Bank. The treaty promised great benefits for the nations admitted to the euro zone. There were two major economic rewards firstly it increased the ease of borrowing for individual governments based on the average rating for the whole of euro zone; nations with high deficits and low GDP would enjoy the same average rating as a benefit from the high economic performance of stronger euro zone economies. Secondly, the uniform monetary policy meant that no nation could devalue its currency or lower interest rates etc to increase their competitive advantage. This leveled the playing field for all participants of the Euro zone. However, the mechanics behind these ‘benefits’ were risky and the major criticism for the treaty. The countries were still held responsible for designing their fiscal policies in order to positively influence the economy, but without the control of monetary measures, they could not manage their sovereign debt problems through devaluation of currency or lowering the interest rates. Another concern, which would later prove to be true, was the idea that some economies might become ‘free-riders’ and depend on other participating nations in the euro zone to indulge in high debt to finance economic activities without the required increase in productivity. In order to put a check and balance on the system, a â€Å"convergence criteria†was set upon for the
Monday, November 18, 2019
Critically assess the arguments in support of and against the Essay - 1
Critically assess the arguments in support of and against the acknowledgement of the legally binding nature of the right to wate - Essay Example However all these procedures cannot be undertaken by the help of stagnant and dirty water. Humans require free access to the clean and germs free water as the dirty water would be harmful for them rather facilitating the bodily functions. Unhealthy and contaminated waster causes various serious diseases which at times becomes fatal for the human existence such as diarrhea which cause death to more than 2 million people all over the world and the majority of the victims are children as their immune system is not as developed as adults’ so they easily fall prey to the germs in contaminated water. In addition to this water is also used for agricultural purposes. Dirty water ruins the vegetation and harms the farming land as well. People living in cities usually have better access to clean water but the food that they consume is contaminated which indirectly causes harm to their health. Considering the significance of water in the development and sustenance of human beings it has been declared a human right to consume neat and clean water. But as other basic human rights are being violated throughout the globe similarly there are many who do not enjoy the right to water. ... Water is one of them which is being greatly wasted and misused by the agricultural people, industrial wastes, excessive domestic usage and overall environment change (Linsay Knight, 2003). Before arguing about the right to water lets first consider the basic explanation of human right as in the international law. Human rights are given due protection by the international law on the basis of various standards. It ensures the complete protection of human dignity and freedom. It further includes the political and cultural rights to safe guard the distinctiveness of human societies, the social and economic rights to guarantee the prosperity, development and success of humans. It basically reflects the strong affiliation between the government and individuals in order to ensure them about the fulfillment of their fundamental rights. In broader terms the human rights revolves around the principles of respect, protect and fulfillment of each others’ needs and water (WHO, 2002). This is an important aspect of the right to water as now it has a close binding with the law. The principle of respect requires the government to show no direct or indirect intervention in the supply of clean and harmless water. Protection principle requires the government to stop the intervention made by the corporations and businesses in the supply of water and finally the fulfill principle requires the government to ensure the fulfillment of all the stated principles in regard of the right to water. The ‘hot strains’ as named by the scientists are the parts of the world which are turning hot by every coming day. These areas of the world are facing extreme shortage of water including water for consumption and water used for other purposes. These areas include the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Theoretical Mass of Ethyl-p Aminohenzoic Acid | Experiment
Theoretical Mass of Ethyl-p Aminohenzoic Acid | Experiment The yield obtained through this experiment is 63 of the theoretical mass of ethyl-p aminohenzoic acid. There are few events that could be improved in order to issue the amount of yield obtained. First of all, the quality of reagent used is relatively small to acquire a good percentage of the product. In order for a greater percentage yield to be attainted this experiment, a great amount of reagent should be used. Beside s, that the product is transferred into too many containers repeatedly. This causes a lost in product between the transfers. Therefore, fewer transfer of product should be done in this experiment to obtain higher percentage of yield. Moreover,. Even though it was only a small portion, it is still decrease the amount of purified yield obtained.. Furthermore, more precautions should be taken while performing recrystallization such as adding as little methanol as possible. The yield can be improved by maximizing the formation of crystals. More crystals can be formed by s cratching the bottom of the Erlenmeyer flask with a glass rod and adding a crystals seed into the solution. To add on, it should be given enough time for crystals to be found while the flask is placed in the ice water bath. Through this, more yields can be acquired. What is the advantage of using absolute ethanol rather than using 95% ethanol in this experiment? If the 95% ethanol was used the little amount of water present in the diluted ethanol can prevent ester formation. This is because easter the presence of water could drive the reaction to the left. i.e. instead of acids becoming esters from the Alkyl group, the esters can become acids because of the hydrogen from the water. Therefore, the use of absolute ethanol is preferred which will drive the reaction to right, rather than using any forms of diluted ethanol that could only negatively influence reaction for ester formation. Why it is important to add the sulfuric acid drop wise to the ethanolic solution of p-aminobenzoic acid? Sulfuric acid has been proven to be the most efficient catalyst for esterification. Water is a product of the esterification reaction, where increase in water quantity would the reverse reaction and decrease the yield of the reaction. But when the reaction is performed in the presence of a concentrated sulfuric acid (hydrophyllic), it will perform as a dehydration agent that will absorb the water molecules by produced from the reaction. So in the presence of a sulfuric acid catalyst, the reaction will be driven towards the right side, which is preferable to yield more ester. The reason for adding this concentric acid in drop wise is mainly to avoid the extreme reaction of the acid with the water. Because, if excessive water was produced from the ethanolic solution of p-aminobenzoic acid, the sudden addition of large quantity of concentrated sulfuric acid could lead to extreme reaction with this excessive water, and result to a large amount of heat(exothermic). This is not safe and harmful in particular due to the use of concentrated sulphuric acid. In contrast, if acid was added as drops, the reaction will be still happening in the solution though will be limited only to a smaller extent. Therefore such procedure is preferable to maintain better control. Another advantage of using drop wise adding of the acid would permit us to control the acidity of the final resultant. Because, if the acid content is increased in the final solution the subsequent neutralization process happens in the presence of an alkaline would lead to an extreme reaction. Therefore adding drop wise acid is essential to control the acidity of the solution, so the stability of the reaction can be maintained throughout. The structure of the solid formed when the concentrated sulphuric acid is added to the solution of p-aminobenzoic acid Fischer esterification mechanism Why it is important that all of the solids dissolve during the reflux period for a good yield of product? The solid precipitate after cooling down could be unreached benzoic acid. i.e, not all the solvents are participated in the reaction to produce Benzocaine. This could happen if the amount of the ethanol is too low. But most of occasions this will be mainly due to the lack reaction between the available methanol. This can be however avoided by stirring the mixture to swift the reaction. Thus, in order to get good yield of ester, all the precipitants of the mixture have to be dissolved in the first place. However, this is not possible in most of the occasions. Why is it important to neutralize the reaction mixture during the work-up When acid is added to the reaction mixture after refluxing, the amino group is protonated, making it soluble in water. When the Na2CO3 is added, the proton is removed and makes the benzocaine is no longer soluble. Thus it begins to precipitate out of solution when the reaction mixture is neutralized. Thus it is important neutralize the moisture in order to filter out the ester from the mixture, which otherwise will be in a dissolved state hence would not be recoverable. Assuming it was necessary to add an additional portion of concentrated sulfuric acid, calculate about how much 10% aqueous sodium carbonate would be required to neutralize the reaction mixture. While the experiment 28.6 ml of sodium carbonate need to neutralized the 18M sulfuric acid. So the add of the other potion 0.5 ml of sulfuric acid What is the gas evolved during the neutralization? In presence of sulfuric acid p-amino benzoic acid reacts with ethanol to form ethyl p-aminobenzoate. The reaction medium contains the sulfuric acid and this was neutralized with sodium bicarbonate. Thus the gas evolved during the reaction between the acid and base is carbon dioxide (CO2).
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Essay --
Gary Paolini CS333 Final Project 12/01/13 Privacy Preserving Location Tracking of Lost or Stolen Devices: Cryptographic Techniques and Replacing Trusted Third Parties with DHTs By (Thomas Ristenpart, Gabriel Maganis, Arvind Krishnamurthy and Tadayoshi Kohno) Introduction We tackle the problem of building privacy-preserving device-tracking systemsâ€â€or private methods to assist in the recovery of lost or stolen Internet-connected mobile devices. This system is for the privacy of internet user and finding the location of the mobile device should it become lost or stolen. The main goals of such systems are seemingly contradictory: to hide the device’s legitimately-visited locations from third-party services and other parties (location privacy) while simultaneously using those same services to help recover the device’s location(s) after it goes missing (device-tracking). We propose a system, named Adeona, that nevertheless meets both goals. It provides strong guarantees of location privacy while preserving the ability to efficiently track missing devices. The system Adeona allows the user to have browsing privacy and also the ability to track a missing device. We build a version of Adeona that uses OpenDHT as the third party service, resulting in an immediately deployable system that does not rely on any single trusted third party. The system uses Open DHT which is a third party service which gives a immediately deployable system We describe numerous extensions for the basic design that increase Adeona’s suitability for particular deployment environments. With numerous extensions for the design to increase deployment environments †¢ Provide a 1-2 page summary for each of the papers. †¢ What is the ... ...y and privacy, but one can do so in practice for real systems. We implemented Adeona, a full privacy-preserving tracking system based on OpenDHT that allows for immediate, community-orientated deployment. Its core module, the cryptographic engine that renders location updates anonymous and unlinkable, can be easily used in further deployment settings. To evaluate Adeona, we ran a field trial to gain experience with a deployment on real user’s systems. Our conclusion is that our approach is sound and an immediately viable alternative to tracking systems that offer less (or no) privacy guarantees. Lastly, we also presented numerous extensions to Adeona that address a range of issues: disparate deployment settings, increased functionality, and improved security. The techniques involved, particularly our tamper-evident FSPRG, are likely of independent interest.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Concluding Case †Custom Coffee & Chocolate Essay
Billions of people across the globe choose to have a cup of coffee each morning to start the day or as a morning work break but coffee has become more than just a drink. Coffee has become an ingrained part of various cultures and coffee shops can be found in most every city around the world. It is little wonder that coffee ranks among the world’s largest commodity markets second only to oil (â€Å"Dangerous Grounds: About the Show†, 2013). Given diversity and competition in the market, the small startup company of Custom Coffee & Chocolate will require a clear mission statement, detailed business analysis, and tactical plans that will help it to increase market share within the Seattle community. A mission statement describes a company’s fundamental purpose and how that company is unique within its product and services offerings. In writing of the company’s mission, each word must be carefully selected for consistency and there must be a commitment from the stakeholders to focus resources in the accomplishment of this mission (Ireland & Hitt, 1992). Bonnie Brewer and Stacy Kim have passed a milestone having developed regular customers within the five months of opening the first coffee house. As a statement for moving forward, â€Å"Custom Coffee & Chocolate’s mission into the community is to provide the highest quality, socially ethical coffee and chocolates while serving to keep the Seattle community connected and invigorated. †The next step towards developing a tactical business plan is to identify internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threats. A common challenge among small startup companies is finance. Within the first six months, Brewer and Kim have exhausted both their savings and initial small-business loan placing the company in a precarious position. For further development of the business, these proprietors will need to seek further investment capital through another partner, reduction in salary, or incur more debt with another small-business loan. Being located near a university is a strength that entails a surrounding population that is educated and can appreciate socially and environmentally sustainable coffee and chocolate. Coffeehouses for this type of customers are not only a place to purchase caffeine but also a social gathering place for study and recreation. Many coffeehouses are able to differentiate themselves from larger chains such as Starbucks by creating a more inviting environment that encourages guests to stay longer and experience the ambiance (Grant, 2005). Custom Coffee provides currently provides quality product but needs to improve the service it provides to the area. Companies such as Starbucks, Tully’s, and Seattle’s Best have made their starts in the Seattle community and in some cases grown to be national and multi-national organizations. In some cases such as Tully’s coffee, the competition was too much and have gone into bankruptcy (â€Å"McDreamy’ saves Seattle coffee chain,†2013). The tactical plan for Custom Coffee & Chocolates will comprise of two milestone events. Within the first year, the company will take out another small-business loan to improve its utilization of technology. The store will install high-speed wireless for its guests as well as invest in improving its website and web search analytics. Brewer and Kim will implement an in-dorm delivery service while also standardizing hiring and training practices for the new, part-time staff that will be required. The hours of operation will be lengthened to better serve students’ late night study habits as well as an increase in marketing to the university clubs and organizations. This will lead into an event schedule that may include coffee and chocolate tastings as well as an open mike night. The goal of these changes will result in the company being financially stable within the first year and better positioned for expanding into a few other locations within the second or third year. In conclusion, a company must identify its reason for existence, analyze the market, and then make a plan based on both that mission and market analysis. The Custom Coffee & Chocolate store has many challenges that lay ahead but with clear vision and planning, it is positioned to become an ingrained part of Seattle’s university communities having successfully passed the first six months of operation. A key to this success will be for the company to focus into a niche where many of the nationally franchised coffee shops lack (Grant, 2005). Custom Coffee will exceed with socially and environmentally responsible products as well as providing a friendly, social gathering point for the local community.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Profile of Christiane Amanpour
Profile of Christiane Amanpour Christiane Amanpour, CNN Chief Intl Correspondent for 20 Years: Christiane Amanpour, one of the worlds most honored broadcast journalists, was CNN Chief International Correspondent for 20 years. Shes also said to be the worlds highest-paid correspondent. On March 18, 2010, ABC News named Amanpour as moderator for its Sunday morning The Week interview program, starting on August 1, 2010. She left CNN after 27 years. An Amanpour report validates a storys importance. Shes often given insider access where other reporters are neither welcomed nor allowed. Shes an authority on Islam with extensive Middle East and worldwide connections. Recently Notable: Commented Amanpour on March 18, 2010, Im thrilled to be joining the incredible team at ABC News. Being asked to anchor This Week and the superb tradition started by David Brinkley, is a tremendous and rare honor and I look forward to discussing the great domestic and international issues of the day. Amanpour was in the Baghdad courtroom on October 19, 2005 when Saddam Hussein made his first trial appearance, and at Husseins initial hearing in 2004. Time magazine has called her the most influential foreign correspondent since Edward R. Murrow. Personal Data: Birth - January 12, 1958 in LondonEducation - From age 11, attended two Roman Catholic all-girls schools in Great Britain. Graduated Summa Cum Laude from University of Rhode Island in 1983 with a BA in Journalism.Family - Married since 1998 to James (Jamie) Rubin, US State Department spokesman under President Clinton; one son, Darius, born in 2000. Growing Up Christiane Amanpour: Born to Iranian airline executive Mohammed Amanpour and his British wife, Patricia, her family moved to Tehran soon after her birth. Christiane led a privileged life in Iran, and then at British boarding schools. She studied journalism in London only because her sister backed out of attending and couldnt obtain a tuition refund. Her family fled Iran, and became refugees, in 1979 during the Islamic Revolution. Shortly thereafter, Amanpour moved to Rhode Island to attend college. Christiane Amanpours Early Career Years: While a student, Amanpour interned at the Rhode Island NBC affiliate WJAR. After graduation, she endured numerous network rejections because she lacked the right look. She eventually landed an assistants job on CNNs international desk in Atlanta. I arrived at CNN with a suitcase, with my bicycle and with about 100 dollars. She was transferred to Eastern Europe in 1986, during the fall of Communism. It was there that her reporting caught the attention of CNN brass. Christiane Amanpour as CNN Foreign Correspondent: Amanpour was elevated to CNN foreign correspondent in 1989, where she reported on democratic revolutions in Eastern Europe. She first attained widespread acclaim for her riveting coverage of the Persian Gulf War in 1990, followed by award-winning reporting of the conflicts in Bosnia and Rwanda. Based in London, shes reported from war zones in Iraq, Israel, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Rwanda and beyond. Shes also secured innumerable exclusive interviews with world leaders. Amanpour Exclusive Interviews, Partial List: 2003 British Prime Minister Tony Blair, French President Jacques Chirac just prior to the War in Iraq2003 Mahmoud Abbas, first Palestinian Prime Minister2002 Palestinian President Yasser Arafat, in isolation in his Ramallah headquarters. (Arafat hung up on her after a shouting match.)2001 Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf during the war against Afghanistan1999 Mikhail Gorbachev on the 10th anniversary of Communisms fall1997 Mohammad Khatami, new President of Iran Awards and Accolades, Partial List: On June 17, 2007, Amanpour was named by Queen Elizabeth as a Commander of the Order of the British Empire, which is only one step shy of knighthood. Professional awards include:2000 Edward R. Murrow Award for Distinguished Achievement in Broadcast Journalism2002 Harvards Goldsmith Career Award for JournalismTwo Emmy news/documentary awardsTwo George Foster Peabody Awards for BroadcastingTwo George Polk Awards for JournalismCourage in Journalism Award, International Womens Media FoundationMajor role in two duPont awards and a Golden Cable Ace award given to CNN Interesting Personal Notes: While attending University of Rhode Island, she became friends and shared an off-campus house with Brown University student John F. Kennedy, Jr. They remained close friends until his 1999 death. Christiane Amanpour is described as modest, private and quite magnetic. Her reporting is unfailingly hard-hitting, accurate and insightful. Shes often pictured on-camera sans make-up and in an ever-present, unglamorous flak jacket. She was named 1997 Iranian Woman of the Year. Memorable Quotes: Remember the movie Field of Dreams when the voice said, Build it and they will come? Well somehow that dumb statement has always stuck in my mind, and I always say, If you tell a compelling story, they will watch. I think that as a country that is so powerful, so good in its values, so determined to spread values such as democracy, morality around the world...its absolutely vital...that the people of the United States get a look at whats going on outside. Its our role and its our job to be able to go to these places and bring back stories, just as a window on the world. I remember once doing a live shot from a so-called famine camp in Ethiopia-and actually in Somalia as well. I was showing a man and telling his story and explaining how ill he was, and it was a live camera. All of a sudden, I realized that he was dying. And I didnt know what to do, I didnt know how to break that moment, how to get the camera away, what to do that would not sully what was happening in real life. And then theres always the crying and the weeping that we hear.....children, women, even men. And these images and these sounds are always with me....-...a strange thing has happened, something I never expected. Sadly, (my) marriage and motherhood have coincided with the demise of journalism as I knew it and I dreamt that it would always be. I am no longer sure that when I go out there and do my job, itll even see the light of air, if the experience of my colleagues is anything to go by. More times than I care to remember, I have sympathized with too many of them assigned like myself, to some of the worlds royal bad places. They would go through hell to do their pieces, only to frequently find them killed back in New York, because of some fascinating new twist on killer Twinkies or Fergie getting fatter or something. I have always thought it morally unacceptable to kill stories...that people have risked their lives to get.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
social promotion essays
social promotion essays TCE is a nonflammable liquid it is colorless. It has a sweet odor and a sweet burning taste. TCE does not occur naturally in the environment. It is an artificial compound. It is produced synthetically from 1,2-dichloroethane. And stabilizers are added to the marketed product. It is used mainly as a solvent to remove greases from metal parts, it is also an ingredient in adhesives, typewriter correction fluid and spot and paint removers. 75-80% of TCE production is used for degreasing metals. Because of its good solvent properties it was formerly used in dry-cleaning facilities. It is also used to extract natural substances. An example would be in decaffeinated coffee or fruit juices. Skin contact with TCE can cause irritation and rashes on the skin. Drinking small amounts of TCE over a long period of time can cause liver and kidney damage, nervous system effects and impaired immune system function. Also during pregnancy it can impair fetal development. Drinking larger amounts can cause nausea, convulsions a coma and in some cases death. Breathing TCE for a long time can cause impaired heart function and coma or death. Breathing TCE for a short period of time can cause headaches, lung irritation, dizziness and difficulty concentrating. Some studies with mice have shown that high levels of TCE may cause liver or lung cancer. Also some studies of people exposed to TCE over long periods of time showed increased risk of cancer. These studies however, are inconclusive the cancer could have been caused by other things. You could be exposed by breathing air in from around the house contaminated by TCE vapors from the shower water. Also breathing in common household items such as, spot removers or correction fluid. Drinking, swimming or showering in water with TCE in it could have also exposed you. Anoth ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Security Roles In An Organization Research Paper
Security Roles In An Organization - Research Paper Example It is for this reason that the protection of an organization’s asset is very relevant for the growth and development of the organizations. For most organizations, there are specialized departments and units that take care of the management of their assets. Protection of asset is however seen in most contexts as a security issue and so its management and for that matter protection is left in the care of competent security professionals. In this paper, the results gathered from an interview with security personnel on the role security plays in protecting an organization’s assets are discussed. Professional responsibilities of security directors One of the major aspects of the interview touched on the roles that various security professionals play in the organizations. With a specific emphasis on the security director, it was realized that the role that the security plays in the organization is multi-variant. What this means is that the security director’s role cuts across several aspects of the organization’s asset management. Generally, the security director is expected to protect two major types of asset, namely tangible and intangible assets (Kolsaker and Lee-Kelley, 2008). Tangible assets are those types of assets that can be touched and seen such as vehicles, money, buildings, machinery, computers, manufactured products, and others. Intangible assets are those assets that cannot be seen or touched. These include database, copyright property, human capital, talent pipeline, organizational strategy, among others. As part of protection, the security director is mandated to prevent loss. This means that the security director is obliged to ensure that the quantitative value of the company’s asset will either remain same or they will appreciate. Under no justifiable condition should there be a reduction. To make this position, investigations and other administrative and managerial functions are required. In effect, the security d irector uses a preventive approach to protection so that losses will not occur before means of retrieving losses would even be talked about. Critical skills required for security personnel Having noted the depth of responsibility that the security director and for that matter security had in protecting the asset of the organization, the question of critical skills required for the execution of the roles were asked. It would be noted that the rendering of security service is seen as a professional duty and so comes with some well defined skills and knowledge that a person ought to possess in order to function effectively in that duty (Gray, 2004). The interviewee thus stressed that, observational skills, critical thinking skills, organizational skills, self control, innovativeness, being visionary, and interpersonal relationship were all skills that were needed for a person to function actively. From the skills that were named by the interviewee, there were three major categorization s that could be given to them. The first of these is personal development skills; second is group development skills; and third is organization development skills. In effect, the critical skills required for a security coordinator to succeed should be ones that make the coordinator proactive as a person, gives him the ability to work effectively in a team, and finally take the holistic skill of functioning
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Research and Report on a Current Online University Assignment
Research and Report on a Current Online University - Assignment Example The aspects include different leadership theories and knowledge of ethical leadership among others (Education Portal, 2013). Brief Analysis of the Course Based on Different Principles as well as Benchmarks and Improvement of the Course On the basis of different principles as well as benchmarks, it can be affirmed that the course of Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership tends to assist the students in providing them with effective ideas for solving different problems within a workplace. The course generally concerns the usage of various scientific research based techniques that deliberately trains the students to become an effectual business leader. Moreover, the different topics of the course relating to various leadership philosophies, ethics along with styles of personal leadership and conflict ultimately raise the benchmark of the course. Contextually, the course can be improved by appointing a broad range of faculties belonging to diverse educational as well as professional backgrou nds so that the students can be provided with greater ideas about the perception of organizational leadership especially in K-12 business settings and become a successful business leader in their future endeavors. Apart from appointing experienced faculties, the course can also be enhanced by introducing more helpful topics such as strategic planning, organizational behavior, leadership theory as well as practice relating to e-learning and statistical methodologies among others (Michigan State University, 2011). Evaluation of the Selected Course in Determining the Learning Needs and Expectations of the Learners The different topics or subject areas included in the course of Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership effectively determines the learning requirements as well as the expectations of the learners with due significance. In relation to the learning needs and the prospects of the learners or the students, it can be stated that the completion of this course would ultimately support t hem in obtaining the skills required for superior leadership positions in the current day business sectors and to efficiently train others in performing different leadership roles successfully. The various significant topics of the course would also help the learners in acquiring a detailed idea about solving conflicts or disputes, conducting any strategic planning and making any effective developmental policy required to deal with the situation. In other words, it can be stated that the course would eventually aid the learners in successfully dealing with the complex situations commonly faced within a workplace and therefore holding superior leadership positions as compared to others (Education Portal, 2013). Hence, it can be affirmed that the course designed is effective enough to address the learners’ expectations and needs with efficiency. Benchmarks and Principles of Doctor of Business Administration - Management Course The course of Doctor of Business Administration und er Grand Canyon University provides its students with the prospect to raise their knowledge about different theories of business. This particular course has been structured in a way so that the learners or the students can acquire a comprehensive idea about various aspects that include execution of business management theories relating to global economy and implementation of
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