Thursday, May 21, 2020
Kerosene in Diesel Engine Question
Scott, you are right, we had discussed the clear liquid shortening and I thought I had stayed away from it until I saw the cubies. Yesterday, I went back to my supplier and commented about the mixing of Clear Liquid Oil and Clear Liquid Shortening. Undoubtedly, the grill cook was not aware the oil had been mixed until I saw it on the cubies and so Ive been told they have a new supplier and it will be only Clear Liquid Oil. I have asked them to keep the empty cubies for me, so I can use them for storage, etc. I will wait and see what happens. The kero I had mentioned mixing with my biodiesel is considered highway kero with taxes paid on it at the pump. In N.C. all of our kero is dyed, as well as off road diesel. Our DOT will spot check big rigs, but so far I havent heard of them checking small diesels. However, I never use dyed fuel in my pickup. Next door in S.C. all of the fuel is cheaper due to our state taxes being lower so the kero is actually cheaper than their diesel. Our kero is higher than our diesel and the diesel is 20 to 40 cents higher per gallon than our unleaded. Several years ago, I had an Olds with a GM diesel (converted gasoline to diesel) and the book allowed me to use 10 percent gasoline during the winter to keep the diesel from gelling. Do you think that would be wise to use gasoline in biodiesel during the winter? My friend that I was splitting the oil with has backed out of using SVO I think mainly due to the mods he would have to do to his truck. Anyway, he left me with some literature he had pulled off the internet about using SVO and unleaded gasoline. Im thinking that would be a great way to blow an engine or at least coke it pretty heavily in a short time. Looks like there is a little of everything on the net. Have a great day. Tom Hey Tom,As long as you can get highway kero, and its cheaper, go ahead and run it with a mixture of at least B20 to keep the lubricity up. Kerosene is often used as a thinning (viscosity reducing) agent to help prevent diesel (middle distillate grade #2) and biodiesel fuel gelling in cold weather, but it does reduce the fuels lubricity as well. Since biodiesel has a very high level of lubricity, the reduction from mixing with kerosene is minimal. With regular petro diesel, care must be taken to avoid over-thinning. To avoid this problem, most fuel distribution centers carry winter diesel (light distillate grade #1) for delivery to fueling stations in cold climates. Diesel engines, however, are remarkably tolerant of fuel formulations and can run on just about any low volatility oil based fuel, but of course that doesnt mean they should or that it is even legal (tax wise) or beneficial to do so. While the engines themselves (pistons and valves) are more or less indifferent to fuel types, the emissions and injection controls on modern clean diesel engines would likely be damaged by using any fuel other than ULSD or B5. For illustration purposes only, following is a (mostly complete) list of fuels that can be burned in a diesel engine: Diesel #1Diesel #2Diesel #4ULSD (Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel)Biodiesel (from B5 to B100)KeroseneHome heating oilCivil jet fuel (Jet A-1, Jet A, Jet B)Military jet fuel(JP-4,JP-5,JP-8)SVO (Straight Vegetable And this is interestingââ¬âyour fuel prices in the Carolinas are different than ours further north. In central PA as of 05-20-08: No, the E85 price is not a typo. Ethanol based fuel has been about a buck a gallon cheaper for the last several years. Ive been experimenting with varying percentages of E85 in my gasoline powered 5.7-liter 1994 Chevy Silverado. A story about my results as well as doing a full conversion to E85 is in the plans. Which brings me to your question about running a gasoline and SVO (straight vegetable oil) mixture in a diesel. I would steer clear for the very reasons you mentioned as well as others from horror stories Ive heard. Diesels are compression ignition engines designed for dense, low volatility oil based fuels (diesel, biodiesel and kerosene). Gasoline style engines are spark ignited and require light and highly volatile fuels (gasoline, alcohol and E85). It doesnt take a stretch of the imagination to understand that an improperly-mixed amount of gasoline and vegetable oil (too much gasoline) could easily prematurely ignite (detonate) and destroy a diesel engines pistons and/or va lvetrain. Reciprocally, Ive heard stories of mixtures with too much veggie oil gumming up and clogging filters, pumps and injectors. In my opinion, there are only two safe methods to run vegetable oil in a diesel engine: Use properly manufactured biodiesel, or install a conversion kit that heats (thus reducing viscosity) the SVO before introduction to the fuel pump and injectors. As always, Tom, thanks for the great comments and questions. Best,Scott
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Counseling Advice, Exploration And Assistance - 907 Words
Step IV: Advice, Exploration and Assistance Mentoring - Business mentors are advisers, counselors, or guides who have business knowledge and experiences and are willing to provide advice and guidance and assistance. They are people with specific expertise, knowledge and business relationships. A business mentor normally has extensive business experience or is knowledgeable in a particular business area, such as finance or marketing and is willing to share what they know with those who ask for assistance. They provide a source of expertise, experience and support and serve as advisers and role models for mentees. They share their knowledge, experience, and can be valuable sources of information at any stage of your company s growth. Most business mentors have solid business experience, they recognize the challenges that businesses face and serve as valuable mentors for solving issues or conflicts. Business mentors work with you in a supportive way and have many benefits for your business and for you personally. Some of the many benefits that may be relevant to you are: Focus on your agenda Discuss your business with you Ask your questions to widen your understanding Listen to you Provide feedback Bring a different perspective Help you sort out the many and complex issues of running a business Share their knowledge and experience with you Support, motivate and inspire you Offer an outside perspective on both you and your business Listen, confidentially, to the thingsShow MoreRelatedReflection Paper On Life Philosophy1246 Words à |à 5 Pages and beliefs cloud my care for others. Self-exploration and discovery should help to keep me from imposing my belief system upon those that I care for. The personal values and experiences I have developed over time will enable me to honestly empathize with many diverse cultural belief systems. 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A scoping report on the Beighton Extreme Sport Park proposal Free Essays
string(26) " the proximity of the M1\." Introduction 1. Spatial Scope The proposed site for the Beighton extreme sport park is located on the A57 which is the road connecting Sheffield city centre to junction 31 on the M1. Some of the local residential areas that surround the site include: Woodhouse, Hackenthorpe and Crystal Peaks, all of which could make up some for some of the workforce. We will write a custom essay sample on A scoping report on the Beighton Extreme Sport Park proposal or any similar topic only for you Order Now Other local places of interest which could have an impact on the site include: the Shirebrook Nature Reserve, Westfield Sports Centre and Crystal Peaks shopping centre to the south. This can be seen more clearly in figure 1 and 2 below. The plot of land is currently owned by the Sheffield City Council and the developers are LBX Holdings Ltd who is based in Newcastle. 1.1 Transport Links As I mentioned before the site is located near the M1, which is the main motorway linking the south of Britain to the north. There is a tramline that runs from Sheffield city centre to Crystal Peaks one of the neighbouring residential areas and a bit further afield on the other side of the A57 there is Woodhouse railway station which again runs into the Sheffield city centre. The site would also be easily accessible for people living in the local areas that surround the proposed site. This can be viewed better in figure 1 and 2 below. 1.2 Employment The project information (2011) states that 140 full time jobs will be necessary during a 25 year operation period. More on employment will be discussed in section 3. This image is courtesy of (2003) site accessed on (2011) from google images Figure 1. This map shows the proposed site for the sports park which is highlighted in blue. As you can see it is located directly on the A57 and is very close to residential areas. The M1 is located just off to the right of the picture. (Law) Motivation and managing diversity ââ¬â Second Draft Photo courtesy of Stephen Jay (2011) Figure 2. This is an aerial photograph of the site which is circled in orange, again showing the A57 on the left and some of the residential areas surrounding the site. 2. Life-cycle of activities and Physical Presence 2.1 Materials Where possible materials will be used from local areas for the six major constructions in the proposed area. The access for the lorries bringing the materials should be fairly easy due to the M1 and A57 being so close. Particularly for the snowdome, skate park and canoe area, specialised materials will needed to be brought in to make them successful. Basic construction materials will be needed for the administration building and hotel such as; steel, timber and glass and tarmac would also be needed for the car park. The project information hand out (2011) also states that 10,000 tonnes of topsoil will also be needed for landscaping. 2.2 Temporal Scope According to the project information hand out (2011) the site will give 100 jobs for a 16 month construction phase with over 200,000 tonnes of materials being needed to complete the park. The hand out also states that these materials will be transported in 10,000 trips over a six month period assuming it is done in a six day week. 2.3 Dimensions The dimensions, materials and layout in section 2.3 of each building are given in the Beighton Extreme Sports Park project information handbook (2011) Snowdome ââ¬â This building would be the largest, (2011) state that the square footage of the Xscape in Milton Keynes is 55,000m2 with a 44m roof. Beighton snowdome will be a lot smaller compared to this with only a small selection of restaurants so the dimensions will total 5,000m2 with a height of just 30m. Skate Park ââ¬â This is an outdoor activity and will be 450m2; the height will be around 8m. A few bars will surround the skate park too adding to the area slightly. Canoe Park ââ¬â (2011) states that their canoe run in Lee Valley is 300m long, again Beighton has a smaller area so the canoe run will only be 200m in length, with picnic areas surrounding the run and some restaurants. Coach and Car Parking ââ¬â Because this is a unique project and its easy accessibility the car park will be around 18,720m2 and floodlight. This includes all the circulation, floodlighting and bay parking areas. In total there will be enough bays for 590 cars 45 of which are for disabled drivers and in addition to this 120 spaces for overspill, plus 10 spaces for coaches. Hotel ââ¬â The hotel will be two floors and have a square footage of 3700m2, it will include the usual hotel amenities such as bar and two restaurants, there will also be 20 rooms on the ground floor and a further 80 on the second floor. Administration Building ââ¬â This will be 180m2 and will be built out of the same materials as the hotel which is timer steel and reinforced concrete. Photo courtesy of Stephen Jay (2011) Figure 3. This is another aerial photograph giving more detail into where the proposed buildings will be constructed. 3. Assessment of Environmental and Socio ââ¬â Economic Effects/ Reasons for Scoping Report 3.1 Flora and Fauna Currently the site is attempting to replant some trees and other smaller plants as shown in figure 4 below, this would ultimately be disrupted by the project. However new shrubs and trees would be planted if the site were constructed and many of the areas round the hotel, admin building and canoe run could retain the local flora and fauna. Figure 4 shows some areas of Beighton Tip that has tried to be rehabilitated with trees and plants, some of this may be lost due to the construction plans. 3.2 Air and Noise Quality The Park will undoubtedly increase traffic in the local area which in turn will increase noise and air pollution, this will partly be due to the proximity of the M1. You read "A scoping report on the Beighton Extreme Sport Park proposal" in category "Essay examples" In popular seasons such as the summer months And weekends the car park may reach its maximum capacity leading to some overspill into the local residential areas, which again would increase noise and air pollution. Because canoeing and skiing are very specialist sports and the site is not a natural habitat for either of these sports, a lot of energy will be used to pump water into the canoe run and ski slope for freezing, this process will lead to a decrease in air quality and may add to problems on a global scale. 3.3 Groundwater Problems The project handbook (2011) states that 1 tonne of snow per day will be used and that inside the snow dome the temperature will be kept at around -2 C .In order for the snow to be produced 1500litres of water will be used per day with an underground tank storing 20,000litres. This could lead to some groundwater problems on the site if the tank were to break and lose water. 3.4 Light Pollution Because the park will be open well into the night, it may cause problems for the local residential areas in terms of constant light during late hours. With the lights from the M25 so close by, the park may add significant light pollution to the local area. A strategic environmental assessment of Devon transport links (pp37:2006) identified some of the main problems linked with light pollution: Light trespass: the intrusion of light into homes Glare: unshielded bright lighting may be hazardous in a relatively small area Sky Glow: the broad orange glow that prevents appreciation of the night sky They discovered that these types of light pollution led to a loss of insects such as moths, disrupted bird migration patterns and even stunted tree and shrub growth. 3.5 Sewage, Waste and Litter Currently there is a river running through the site which for the most part is underground. This is already has been polluted which is clear from the reddish colour which is most probably iron oxides and large amount of litter, figure 5a and b highlights this ; the construction of the site will only increase the amount of sewage in the area which could cause some problems. There is water quality testing points all over the site which are clearly visible in figure 6. Before any work can take place a lot of the rubbish and graffiti will need to be cleaned not just in the site but on some of the walkways leading to the proposed area, this is shown in figures 7 and 8. Recycling points and rubbish bins will be put in place all over the proposed site so as to limit the amount of litter when the project has been constructed. Hopefully the extreme sports park will deter vandalism and litter in the local residential areas. Figure 5a b indicates the iron oxides (on the left) and possible other pollutants that inhibit the local stream that runs through the site Figure 6 shows the water quality stations over the site Figure 7 8 highlights the litter and graffiti problems that the sites has and will need to be addressed. 3.6 Socio-Economic The site will increase traffic in the local residential areas as I have mentioned before and may cause problems in parking if the sports park is full. It could encourage people to use the local shopping centre at Crystal Peaks which in turn would improve cash flows for other local businesses and as I mentioned earlier it would also provide jobs for the local area. Hopefully with more money being pumped into the park and its local businesses improvements could be made by the council on local problems such as: litter and graffiti in other areas outside the park, better transport links, better residential facilities or improvements on current roadways. There is some competition in Xscape Castleford outside Leeds and Milton Keynes which are similar projects; however the main competitor is Sheffield Ski Village which has a dry ski slope. The proposed ski slope at Beighton uses real snow from frozen water which I believe would make it a lot more popular and with the other attractions more successful. 4. Mitigating Measures 4.1 Table of Mitigation Measures and Alternatives Problem Mitigation Alternative Car Park OverspillReduce the size of some of the other proposed constructions and increase the size of the car parkUsing another site close by as extra car parking space Increased TrafficImprove local road networks such as expanding either the M1 or A57 allowing more cars on the road at one time. Encourage more bus routes or easier access to tram lines meaning people from Sheffield would use public transport over cars which would reduce trafficRelocate proposed site to somewhere less residential, which would affect less residential areas and at a site that has even better transport links which could manage the amount of traffic generated by the sports park. Flora and Fauna LossLeave areas of current restoration as much as possibleIntroduce a new programme allowing restoration in other parts of the local area Sewage and WasteBuild more recycling and rubbish points on the siteRecycle rubbish at legally and dump other waste and legal landfill sites Air/Noise QualityClosing the park earlier and opening later, would reduce the amount of emissions and energy used, it would also decrease the noise created by the park at the later hoursUsing the site for other sports which require less energy and generate less noise such as indoor football, tennis etc. 4.2 Potential Dangers or Hazards With such extreme sports there are always going to be risks and possible dangers. At each of the main constructions there will be first aid equipment and in each area there will always be a certified first aider. With the local transport links to medical centres in some of the local residential areas and the A57 leading to central Sheffield there is easy access to medical attention when needed. In terms of the sports themselves, maintenance teams will need to be on site at all times ready to fix any dangerous problems, such as any malfunctions to the machines converting the water to snow or problems with the waterworks in the canoe run. 5. Legislative and Policy Context 5.1 Introduction to EIA Policy and Context Carroll and Turpin (2009) state that the need for legislation when it comes to Town and Country planning which was introduced in 1990 is because it allows developers to apply to local authorities for guidance on whether an EIA is necessary to build on a certain plot of land. They go on to explain that the projects are split into schedule 1 to 3. Schedule 1 projects always require an EIA as they are potentially polluting projects, schedule 2 only need an EIA to establish whether it meets certain criteria or exceeds any thresholds established by the government. Schedule 3 is classed as the criteria needed for screening schedule 2. Due to Beighton extreme sports park not being primarily build for any natural resource extraction or used for any waste disposal it cannot be classed as schedule 1, therefore it must be classed as schedule 2 and 3, therefore screening is needed in order to establish whether the project proposal will meet the necessary thresholds and criteria 5.2 Need for EIA (Schedule 2) All policies and legislation mentioned in section 5.2 and 5.3 was used from from looking at the (1999) the town and country planning regulations it clearly states in schedule 2, section 10 infrastructure projects part b that, ââ¬ËUrban development projects, including the construction of shopping centres and car parks, sports stadiums, leisure centres and multiplex cinemas;ââ¬â¢. It also mentions that all areas of development that exceed 0.5 hectares will require and EIA. The size of the proposed car park is 18,720mà 2 which exceeds the criteria in this section of the schedule. Still referring to schedule 2 of the town and country planning 1999 in section 12 Tourism and Leisure it states that in order for, ââ¬ËSki-runs, ski-lifts and cable-cars and associated developments;ââ¬â¢ to be constructed the threshold is, ââ¬Ëthe area of the works exceeds 1 hectare; or the height of any building or other structure exceeds 15 metresââ¬â¢. The proposed area of the snowdome is 5,000m2 and the height is 30m which exceeds both thresholds. Later on in section 12 it also says that, ââ¬ËHoliday villages and hotel complexes outside urban areas and associated developments;ââ¬â¢ are also included, the proposal also shows that it exceeds these thresholds with the hotel being 3,700m2. 5.3 Need for EIA (Schedule 3) According to the Town and Country Planning 1999 the criteria for screening include, ââ¬Ëcharacteristics of development, location of development and characteristics of potential impactsââ¬â¢. Included in some of these characteristics are criteria such as, ââ¬Ësize of development, pollution and nuisance, the risk of accidents, having regard in particular to substances or technologies used, proximity to nature reserves and parks and the extent of the impact (geographical area and size of the affected population)ââ¬â¢. Also these factors may be affected by the proposed project and will need to be taken into consideration for example as I mentioned earlier some of the sports are considered extreme and accidents could occur, a scoping report would be beneficial in understanding more about the possible dangerous and what can be done to prevent them. The site is also located in very close proximity to the Beighton Marsh Nature Park Bibliography Wood, C. (2003) Environmental Impact Assessment ââ¬â A Comparative Review 2nd Edition, London: Pearson Press DTLR Transport Local Government Regions (2000) Environmental Impact Assessment ââ¬â A Guide to Procedures, London: Telford Press Carroll, B. Turpin, T. (2009) Environmental Impact Assessment Handbook 2nd Edition, London: Thomas Telford Ltd (2011) Details on large buildings on a global scale for skyscraper enthusiasts (Online) Available: (9th March 2011) Jay, S. (2011) Photos of Beighton Tip (Online) Available: (9th March 2011) Devon County Council (2004) Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Devon Local Transport Plan 2006-11 Scoping Report (Online) Available: (15th March 2011) Coughtrie, N. (2011) Photos of Beighton Tip (9th March 2011) (2011) The Home of UK Legislation (Online) Available: (9th March 2011) Jay, S. (2011) Beighton Extreme Sports Park Project Information (9th March 2011) (2003) Map of Beighton tip and surrounding area (Online) Available: (9th March 2011) How to cite A scoping report on the Beighton Extreme Sport Park proposal, Essay examples
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