Monday, August 24, 2020
Economic Liberalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Monetary Liberalization - Essay Example Despite the fact that both have now become a fruitful instance of FDI diverted advancement model yet the structure of economy of these two countries are at the two parts of the bargains the financial hypothesis. In China, being a one gathering socialist state and exceptionally solid focal government monetary choices are taken regardless of what is really the individuals at ground wish while in India, being a mainstream just country with multi-party political framework choices identified with economy are frequently taken while considering the impulses like discretionary guarantees and is a lot of populist in nature. The legislatures which incorporates both focal and states are consistently under tension from both resistance groups and well known open interest and numerous multiple times the choices get influenced because of this factor. Simultaneously, India's financial represent over forty years of its freedom had been defensive and least associated with the world (Bromley, Mackintos h, Brown and Wuyts, 2004, p. 196). Its nonpartisan remain during the virus war and key military relationship with USSR caused exceptionally less interation with western world drove by USA. The nation kept on pursueing its free political stand and entered 21st century, its monetary structure saw outrageous changes and the nation currently gloats of having the USA as its biggest exchanging accomplice and simultaneously, US has likewise discovered extraordinary enthusiasm for world's biggest majority rule government and the as of late marked atomic settlement between the US president George Bush and Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh obviously underlines the developing enthusiasm between the two. So the new India or better to state the changed India post changes presents a lovely situation where Kenneth Waltz's hypothesis of International Relations which expresses that the activity of a state can frequently get influenced because of weights being applied by worldwide powers and along these lines constraining the alternatives accessible to them(1979). The neorealist or organized model has been created with the plan to clarify the rehashing examples of state conduct and force and its degree which is the mix of its ability to oppose outside impact while affecting others to carry on as indicated by its desires (Extra Material, p. 6). The progression procedure in India started in mid 1990s in the residency of the Prime Minister P. V. Narashimha Rao under the initiative of then Finance Minister Dr. Manamohan Singh. The change procedure and India's reconciliation into world economy was broadly refreshing with International Monetary Fund or the IMF considering it a drawn out restorative measure. The change procedure which started with India marking GATT and turning into a piece of WTO was broadly valued by practically all financial quarters (Bromley et. al, 2004, p. 173). Yet at the same time the restriction drove by socialists and the BJP were dead against the proposition. The Narashimha Rao govt. proceeded with his changes however gradually while obliterating the restriction solidarity by making non BJP resistance groups accept that the fall of the administration will clear a path for BJP to snatch power at focus. BJP around then was viewed as a shared ideological group and there was an across the board dread that once coming into power this gathering will roll out strong improvements to the current political structure of India and might change over India into a solitary gathering controlled state. This dread helped the Narashimha Rao govt. to finish its full term and during this period, the Indian economy became irreversibility liberal (Bromley et. al,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Silk Road Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Silk Road Project - Essay Example This landscape altogether isolated China from the countries in the west. Moreover, the landscape in the west along with the harmony arrangements among the Western Nations prompted the advancement of the Western economies. This paper will expound on the verifiable viewpoints that relate to the Silk Road. It will address the cause of the term Silk Road, and the merchandise and items exchanged along the course. It will likewise cover on the critical dealers of the Silk Road, and the impacts on the East and West. The History of the Silk Road, Naming and Fate The Central Asian segments of the exchange were extended during the rule of Han Wudi, the Emperor in 2006 BCE-220 CE period. The head had sent Zhang Qian in a crucial set up political settlements with the Yeuzhi individuals. In any case, on come back from a multi year venture, Zhang Qian detailed of the rewarding exchange that was occurring the Western countries (Franck 66). The Emperor on an endeavor to create harmony arrangements w ith the western countries prompted political connections as well as financial and social turns of events. The exchange prompted an extraordinary human advancement Ancient Rome, China, India, Persia, Arabia and Ancient Egypt. The course was given the name because of the worthwhile Chinese silk that was exchanged along the street. Despite the fact that there were different merchandise exchanged along the course, silk was the primary item. ... Later on, in 1877, a German specialist, Ferdinand Richthefen, named the exchange course as the Great Silk Road (Foltz 50). The overland exchange course was partitioned into the Southern and Northern Routes by passing Lop Nur and the Taklimakan Desert. The Northern course began at Changââ¬â¢an, which is the current day Xiââ¬â¢an. This was the capital city of the old Chinese Kingdom. Later on, Han extended the course to Luoyang, a town in the east of China. This course voyage northwest through the Gansu from Shaanxi Province. It split into three courses where two courses followed the mountain runs on the south and north of the Taklamakan Desert to join at Kashgar. The other course traveled south to the Tian Shan Mountains through Almaty, Turpan and Talgar (Franck 71). Figure 1: The Silk Road The course at that point split at the West of Kashgar with a northern course going through Kokand, present day eastern Uzbekistan. It at that point advanced toward the West to cross the Karak um Desert. The Southern branch headed towards the Alai valley toward Balkh, at present Afghanistan, and Termez, right now known as Uzbekistan (Xinru 34). The courses rejoined in the southern side before coming to Merv, which is at present known as Turkmenistan. Then again, the Southern course was a solitary course which began in China through the Karakoram. Today, this course is known as the Karakoram Highway, a global cleared street that interfaces China to Pakistan. The course at that point branches westbound yet with southwards branches empowering the excursion to be finished utilizing the ocean. This course crossed through the Northern Pakistan, over the Hindu Kush Mountains to the current day Afghanistan. The southern course at that point joined the northern course close Merv. From Merv, the course followed a straight course toward the West
Monday, July 20, 2020
9 Easy Tricks to Get Rid of Hiccups FAST
9 Easy Tricks to Get Rid of Hiccups FAST Ever recall being a part of an interesting conversation and all of a sudden hiccups begin? Or when youre about to give a weighty presentation and then the hics take over your speech?This can become very annoying. Most times this results in you trying out all sorts of creative and unusual tricks to get rid of them.It, therefore, is no surprise the abundance of hiccup remedies all over the web. However, this can be quite confusing as it becomes difficult to distinguish the working methods from mere fables.Nevertheless, in this article, you will see proven methods for getting rid of hiccups.Before we go ahead to the 9 tricks for hiccup relief, lets get to know a bit more about what exactly we want to get rid of.WHAT ARE HICCUPS? The National Organization for Rare Diseases (NORD) defines hiccups as an involuntary or uncontrolled spasmodic contraction of the muscle at the bottom of the lungs (diaphragm) which is followed by the quick closure of the vocal cords.Hiccups occur when your air intake is involuntarily obstructed and this can happen for absolutely no reason.Most times its a negligible nuisance, but when prolonged it can be indicative of very serious medical challenges.So basically when you have a hiccup what happens is that suddenly there is an involuntary contraction of your diaphragm alongside a contraction of your larynx or voice box as well as a complete closure of the glottis.All these things happen simultaneously and result in a rush of air into your lungs creating the annoying but familiar hic sound.HOW OFTEN DO HICCUPS APPEAR? Medically termed as synchronous diaphragmatic singultus or Flutter (SDF).Hiccups may occur in bouts or individually, and most times they are often rhythmic which means the time interval between each hic is quite consistent.Most times youd get hiccups from time to time and they can easily be resolved without treatment within a few minutes.However, in rare situations, you could experience chronic or prolonged hiccups, which coul d last up to a month or even more.These prolonged hiccups are known as intractable hiccups. Its important to state that if the bout persists for more than 48 hours, it is considered prolonged and you should meet a doctor.It could be a symptom of a very serious medical problem.A study carried out by Thomas Walsh on 99 people suffering from cancer of the esophagus showed that 27% of them experienced prolonged hiccups.Furthermore, according to another research, in relation to cancer of the esophagus, only 63% of people who are diagnosed in 6 months survive, whats more just 4% of people who are diagnosed after 5 years survive. Source: Pop CultureThis is why its vital to pay attention to prolonged hiccups and get medical help quickly.WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF HICCUPS? The exact reason hiccups happens remains unclear; however, chronic hiccups are often associated with a broad range of medical challenges such as gastrointestinal problems, cancer, and stroke etc.Most hiccups get resolved without treatments but when prolonged they can lead to issues like depression and insomnia.Also staying away from alcohol and not eating too fast can assist in reducing the chance of getting hiccups.Now thats done with lets see 9 tricks to get rid of hiccups as quickly as they come!The traditional recommendations you may be used too like breathing into a paper bag or sipping water to get rid of hiccups rarely work. But the tricks below certainly will.1. Breathing Technique Inhale/Exhale and Diaphragm Movement This is a pretty easy technique to get rid of hiccups. Simply inhale through your mouth as many times as possible, then s wallow your saliva and restrict air from escaping out of your mouth.Take in air through your mouth and swallow saliva once again without letting air slip out. Do this as much as you can. It could get very difficult the more you repeat it but do not desist.You will get to the point where you do not feel like its possible to swallow saliva anymore, push yourself and do it for the last time.Once you are certain that is impossible for you to repeat it again, then you can release air out of your nose. This will reset your breathing.If it still persists, you can proceed to the exhale step.You just need to take in as much air as you can and some more, then hold your breath.After you do this, start to let out the air you took in slowly while restricting some.You need to repeat this for as long as you can. Most times it takes 20 to 30 seconds to stop the hiccups.If youve got some really stubborn hiccups, however, you may need to do this; after inhaling and exhaling, take in a deep breath a nd keep it in.Then plug your ears and close your mouth (you could use your hands.)Now, all you need to do is move your diaphragm up and down and then exhale as soon as you feel the hiccups disappear. If the hiccups still persist repeat it again.2. Pressure Points Most people do not know that certain points on your body can stop hiccups immediately regardless of this ignorance though; pressure points are an efficient and effective way of getting rid of hiccups.As a matter of fact, a recent study showed that cancer patients who suffered from persistent or chronic hiccups saw a drastic reduction or total elimination of hiccups after undergoing acupuncture or pressure points techniques. Source: ResearchGateLets see some of these pressure points.a. PhiltrumThis is an easy one. Simply put your finger on the philtrum (the area between the middle of the top of your lip and the under of your nose.) Hold down on this spot as hard as you can and push it in towards your teeth.Keep the intensity of this pressure for approximately 30 seconds before you let go. This works often and it is especially useful for application on babies who usually have hiccups a lot.b. Sternum Pressure Point TechniqueFind your sternum. This is the bone at the center of your chest that links all your ribs together. Put your finger on the sternum and slowly move your fingers upwards till you locate its end point.Apply pressure on this bone for less than thirty seconds. Keep in mind that this does not have to be strong pressure, just strong enough for you to feel it and it should get rid of the hiccups.c. Under Your Collarbone TrickIn the hollow under your collarbone, right next to the breastbone put pressure on both sides for up to 10 seconds or till you feel the hiccup is gone. This is also helpful for asthma, chest congestion, and coughing.d. Pinky Finger This is a rather odd one but works like a charm, take the hand of your baby or yourself and apply hard pressure on the pinky fingernail surface for 10 seconds and the hiccups should cease immediately.e. Outer Chest Two inches right above the crease of the armpit about an inch inward and on the outer area of your chest, place hard pressure for between 20 to 30 minutes till you dont feel the hiccups anymore.This is also great in relieving breathing and coughing challenges.d. Under your Breastbone Find where your breastbone is (the long thin bone that links your right and left ribs.) Follow the bone downwards to its end where you can feel it gets hallow, then apply pressure with just your fingertip right there below the bone.Hold this for 20-30 seconds, or till you are certain the hiccups are gone.e. Hand Make a fist with your hand. This will reveal two vessels which we situated on your inner forearm. You would see a dent in your skin located very close to your wrist.All you need to do is to hold this point which is located between the two vessels and 3 fingers length towards the elbow and it should get rid of your hiccups.f. Abdomen This pressure point is located on your abdomen. For this simply find your belly button as well as your pubic bone. Now, at the center of these two spots is the presence of a pressure point that you can use to relieve hiccups.Its situated at the center of the line between the belly button and the pubic bone.For optimal effect, you need to lay down flat on your back and push on this spot for between 20 to 30 seconds and it will get rid of those annoying hics.3. Chew on a Piece of Lemon In 1981 a man by the name of Dr. Herman carried out a series of informal tests of a hiccup fix and he saw that he achieved a 88% success rate with his new found method.This method was discovered by bartenders who have been relying on this method for years to get rid of alcohol-induced hiccups.So, all you need to do is simply get a slice of lemon and cover it with some drops of Angostura bitters (keep in mind that it is alcoholic so this shouldnt be for kids) and then chew the lemon slice either leaving the rind or you can chew on it for some minutes.If its too sharp you can add sugar on it.The bitterness of the lemon and Angostura bitters will stimulate the lining of your gullet or the vagus nerve which relaxes your diaphragm.In addition to this, you can also drink vinegar or suck on a lemon some more if it persists.4. Rectal Massage Trick Even though this may seem outright impractical and bizarre, a rectal massage, using just one finger has been found to get rid of intractable hiccups. Now, you may ask why go to such a length for hiccups?Well, intractable hiccups usually last for more than a month and are tightly linked to underlying medical conditions.They disrupt eating, sleeping, socializing and can even ruin a patients social life. It may interest you to know that approximately 4,000 people in the USA get admitted to hospitals in relation to hiccups.With over 99% of individuals who are battling with intractable hiccups being men.In another study carried out, 7/7 patients were seen to be cured of hiccups by stimulation of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves.In one of the case studies a 60-year-old patient suffering from acute pancreatitis underwent a digital rectal massage, and after these hiccups left but returned back some hours later, he was able to easily terminate it immediately by undergoing another rectal massage.The research suggested that this technique should be considered in relation to intractable hiccups before you proceed to pharmacological agents.5. Drink Water from a Glass while Upside Down Another interesting remedy to get rid of hiccups is to drink water upside down from a glass. In order to be able to this accurately, bel ow are some steps to follow.First, place the far edge of the glass with water inside at the bottom of your upper lip. Secondly, bend forward and ensure that your upper lip is touching the outer tip of the glass of water.Thirdly, remain in the position (bent forward) and slowly pour the water from the glass into your mouth. As you do this the water will run over the upper palate of your mouth.Finally, swallow the water until you exhaust the water in the glass.After this is done wait for a few minutes to see if the hiccups have stopped if it doesnt stop you can repeat the process after a few more minutes.Although this is not a permanent solution for hiccups, it is a proven and tested temporary way of relieving yourself from the discomfort associated with hiccups.6. Swallow a Big Spoonful of Sugar You can get rid of hiccups by swallowing a spoonful of sugar. This is one of the most commonly prescribed and trusted home remedy for hiccups.A study carried out in the 1970s by scientists sh owed that 19 out of 20 patients with hiccups got rid of their hiccups by taking a spoonful of granulated sugar.Although there is no known definite reason why sugar stops hiccups, it is suggested that when the sugar is taken, the vagus nerve is stimulated, this vagus nerve connects the brain to the stomach and once it is stimulated by the sugar, it distracts the body.This makes the body forget about the hiccups and focuses on the sugar and when this is done the diaphragm spamming which manifests as hiccups are stopped.This is like distracting the body and giving it something order than the hiccup to focus on.Just like when your baby is crying and you give her a lollypop or her favorite toy or breast milk and the baby stops crying.The same is applicable to the brain when the body is having hiccups, once you take sugar; you create a distraction and a diversion from the hiccups to the sugar.Your brain then sends a signal to the rest of the body for the processing of the sugar and the di aphragm spamming is suspended for more important duties.Additionally, there is another school of thought that believes that the reason sugar stops hiccups is that sugar is a bit coarse and when it is being swallowed, the coarseness runs on the esophagus thereby irritating it and making the phrenic nerves to adjust themselves.Although this also Is not a proven fact, it doesnt eliminate the fact that sugar helps in stopping hiccups.7. Drinking Water As discomforting as hiccups can be, this home remedy isnât complex at all. You can get rid of hiccups by simply drinking some water especially if it is not a severe hiccup case.Cold water is especially good for getting rid of hiccups when you take cold water; it helps to get rid of the irritation in the diaphragm which could be caused by various factors responsible for causing the hiccups.Once the irritation to the diaphragm is eliminated, the movement of the diaphragm will be restored back to the regular pattern.You can take about nine to ten quick sips of water from a glass in rapid succession.As you quickly gulp the water, the momentum which is caused by the contractions in the diaphragm is relaxed.The rhythmic contractions of the esophagus when drinking the water overrides the spasms of the diaphragm and this will cause the hiccups to subside and gradually stop.If the hiccups dont stop after the first round of gulps, you can repeat the process again after a few minutes, you will definitely get relieved after a short while.8. Stick out your TongueThis may be a bit gross so it is advisable not to do it in public so that you dont get people around you disgusted. You can get rid of hiccups by sticking out your tongue.Sticking out your tongue can stimulate the opening between the vocal cords and it is usually done by actors and singers but you too can do it.When you stick out your tongue the opening between the glottis is stimulated and you will breathe more smoothly this will eliminate the spasms that cause hiccup s.When you stick out your tongue, the vagus nerve will be stimulated and the diaphragm spasms will be eased, this will prevent the gag reflexes that cause hiccups.Alternatively, you can ease hiccups by pulling your tongue with your fingers. Just hold the end of your tongue and then tug. When you do this the vagus nerve will be stimulated and the diaphragm spasms will gradually subside thereby leading to the seizure of the hiccups.Ensure that your hands are clean before doing this. Dont put dirty hands into your mouth or on your tongue to avoid introducing harmful bacteria into your body which will cause illnesses that are more harmful than hiccups.9. Have a Spoonful of Peanut Butter Everyone loves a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and most people know how to whip one up but what you may not be aware of is the power of one of the sandwiches ingredients to get rid of hiccups.A large spoonful of peanut butter is a great way to eliminate those annoying hiccups. This happens due t o the process of chewing and removing it off your teeth and tongue.During the whole process, your breathing and swallowing patterns are interrupted which causes the hiccups to cease, as breathing and swallowing patterns are responsible for the hiccups in the first place.CONCLUSIONHiccups can be very annoying and at times signs of even greater health challenges, hence, they are certainly not something you can ignore especially if they do not disappear as magically as they came.They can impair the quality of your life in terms of eating, socialization, or even your work life. Imagine trying to carry out important assignments in your workplace while having hiccups, its a nightmare.This is why you need to stop it right into itâs a track as soon as it shows up.Also keep in mind that if your hiccups last for over 48 hours, you need to see a medical practitioner to ensure that it isnt as a result of a terminal disease and negligence could be extremely costly.Even though there are numerou s cases of prolonged hiccups which are connected to deadly diseases, do not get pensive when you get hiccups.Most times, itâs a simple hiccup that can be eliminated using very basic tricks.Regardless of how often youve tried all those funny and weird tricks online to get rid of hiccups, following the methods above which have been proven and tested you can rest assured of eliminating those hics once and for all.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Kerosene in Diesel Engine Question
Scott, you are right, we had discussed the clear liquid shortening and I thought I had stayed away from it until I saw the cubies. Yesterday, I went back to my supplier and commented about the mixing of Clear Liquid Oil and Clear Liquid Shortening. Undoubtedly, the grill cook was not aware the oil had been mixed until I saw it on the cubies and so Ive been told they have a new supplier and it will be only Clear Liquid Oil. I have asked them to keep the empty cubies for me, so I can use them for storage, etc. I will wait and see what happens. The kero I had mentioned mixing with my biodiesel is considered highway kero with taxes paid on it at the pump. In N.C. all of our kero is dyed, as well as off road diesel. Our DOT will spot check big rigs, but so far I havent heard of them checking small diesels. However, I never use dyed fuel in my pickup. Next door in S.C. all of the fuel is cheaper due to our state taxes being lower so the kero is actually cheaper than their diesel. Our kero is higher than our diesel and the diesel is 20 to 40 cents higher per gallon than our unleaded. Several years ago, I had an Olds with a GM diesel (converted gasoline to diesel) and the book allowed me to use 10 percent gasoline during the winter to keep the diesel from gelling. Do you think that would be wise to use gasoline in biodiesel during the winter? My friend that I was splitting the oil with has backed out of using SVO I think mainly due to the mods he would have to do to his truck. Anyway, he left me with some literature he had pulled off the internet about using SVO and unleaded gasoline. Im thinking that would be a great way to blow an engine or at least coke it pretty heavily in a short time. Looks like there is a little of everything on the net. Have a great day. Tom Hey Tom,As long as you can get highway kero, and its cheaper, go ahead and run it with a mixture of at least B20 to keep the lubricity up. Kerosene is often used as a thinning (viscosity reducing) agent to help prevent diesel (middle distillate grade #2) and biodiesel fuel gelling in cold weather, but it does reduce the fuels lubricity as well. Since biodiesel has a very high level of lubricity, the reduction from mixing with kerosene is minimal. With regular petro diesel, care must be taken to avoid over-thinning. To avoid this problem, most fuel distribution centers carry winter diesel (light distillate grade #1) for delivery to fueling stations in cold climates. Diesel engines, however, are remarkably tolerant of fuel formulations and can run on just about any low volatility oil based fuel, but of course that doesnt mean they should or that it is even legal (tax wise) or beneficial to do so. While the engines themselves (pistons and valves) are more or less indifferent to fuel types, the emissions and injection controls on modern clean diesel engines would likely be damaged by using any fuel other than ULSD or B5. For illustration purposes only, following is a (mostly complete) list of fuels that can be burned in a diesel engine: Diesel #1Diesel #2Diesel #4ULSD (Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel)Biodiesel (from B5 to B100)KeroseneHome heating oilCivil jet fuel (Jet A-1, Jet A, Jet B)Military jet fuel(JP-4,JP-5,JP-8)SVO (Straight Vegetable And this is interestingââ¬âyour fuel prices in the Carolinas are different than ours further north. In central PA as of 05-20-08: No, the E85 price is not a typo. Ethanol based fuel has been about a buck a gallon cheaper for the last several years. Ive been experimenting with varying percentages of E85 in my gasoline powered 5.7-liter 1994 Chevy Silverado. A story about my results as well as doing a full conversion to E85 is in the plans. Which brings me to your question about running a gasoline and SVO (straight vegetable oil) mixture in a diesel. I would steer clear for the very reasons you mentioned as well as others from horror stories Ive heard. Diesels are compression ignition engines designed for dense, low volatility oil based fuels (diesel, biodiesel and kerosene). Gasoline style engines are spark ignited and require light and highly volatile fuels (gasoline, alcohol and E85). It doesnt take a stretch of the imagination to understand that an improperly-mixed amount of gasoline and vegetable oil (too much gasoline) could easily prematurely ignite (detonate) and destroy a diesel engines pistons and/or va lvetrain. Reciprocally, Ive heard stories of mixtures with too much veggie oil gumming up and clogging filters, pumps and injectors. In my opinion, there are only two safe methods to run vegetable oil in a diesel engine: Use properly manufactured biodiesel, or install a conversion kit that heats (thus reducing viscosity) the SVO before introduction to the fuel pump and injectors. As always, Tom, thanks for the great comments and questions. Best,Scott
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Counseling Advice, Exploration And Assistance - 907 Words
Step IV: Advice, Exploration and Assistance Mentoring - Business mentors are advisers, counselors, or guides who have business knowledge and experiences and are willing to provide advice and guidance and assistance. They are people with specific expertise, knowledge and business relationships. A business mentor normally has extensive business experience or is knowledgeable in a particular business area, such as finance or marketing and is willing to share what they know with those who ask for assistance. They provide a source of expertise, experience and support and serve as advisers and role models for mentees. They share their knowledge, experience, and can be valuable sources of information at any stage of your company s growth. Most business mentors have solid business experience, they recognize the challenges that businesses face and serve as valuable mentors for solving issues or conflicts. Business mentors work with you in a supportive way and have many benefits for your business and for you personally. Some of the many benefits that may be relevant to you are: Focus on your agenda Discuss your business with you Ask your questions to widen your understanding Listen to you Provide feedback Bring a different perspective Help you sort out the many and complex issues of running a business Share their knowledge and experience with you Support, motivate and inspire you Offer an outside perspective on both you and your business Listen, confidentially, to the thingsShow MoreRelatedReflection Paper On Life Philosophy1246 Words à |à 5 Pages and beliefs cloud my care for others. Self-exploration and discovery should help to keep me from imposing my belief system upon those that I care for. The personal values and experiences I have developed over time will enable me to honestly empathize with many diverse cultural belief systems. 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A scoping report on the Beighton Extreme Sport Park proposal Free Essays
string(26) " the proximity of the M1\." Introduction 1. Spatial Scope The proposed site for the Beighton extreme sport park is located on the A57 which is the road connecting Sheffield city centre to junction 31 on the M1. Some of the local residential areas that surround the site include: Woodhouse, Hackenthorpe and Crystal Peaks, all of which could make up some for some of the workforce. We will write a custom essay sample on A scoping report on the Beighton Extreme Sport Park proposal or any similar topic only for you Order Now Other local places of interest which could have an impact on the site include: the Shirebrook Nature Reserve, Westfield Sports Centre and Crystal Peaks shopping centre to the south. This can be seen more clearly in figure 1 and 2 below. The plot of land is currently owned by the Sheffield City Council and the developers are LBX Holdings Ltd who is based in Newcastle. 1.1 Transport Links As I mentioned before the site is located near the M1, which is the main motorway linking the south of Britain to the north. There is a tramline that runs from Sheffield city centre to Crystal Peaks one of the neighbouring residential areas and a bit further afield on the other side of the A57 there is Woodhouse railway station which again runs into the Sheffield city centre. The site would also be easily accessible for people living in the local areas that surround the proposed site. This can be viewed better in figure 1 and 2 below. 1.2 Employment The project information (2011) states that 140 full time jobs will be necessary during a 25 year operation period. More on employment will be discussed in section 3. This image is courtesy of (2003) site accessed on (2011) from google images Figure 1. This map shows the proposed site for the sports park which is highlighted in blue. As you can see it is located directly on the A57 and is very close to residential areas. The M1 is located just off to the right of the picture. (Law) Motivation and managing diversity ââ¬â Second Draft Photo courtesy of Stephen Jay (2011) Figure 2. This is an aerial photograph of the site which is circled in orange, again showing the A57 on the left and some of the residential areas surrounding the site. 2. Life-cycle of activities and Physical Presence 2.1 Materials Where possible materials will be used from local areas for the six major constructions in the proposed area. The access for the lorries bringing the materials should be fairly easy due to the M1 and A57 being so close. Particularly for the snowdome, skate park and canoe area, specialised materials will needed to be brought in to make them successful. Basic construction materials will be needed for the administration building and hotel such as; steel, timber and glass and tarmac would also be needed for the car park. The project information hand out (2011) also states that 10,000 tonnes of topsoil will also be needed for landscaping. 2.2 Temporal Scope According to the project information hand out (2011) the site will give 100 jobs for a 16 month construction phase with over 200,000 tonnes of materials being needed to complete the park. The hand out also states that these materials will be transported in 10,000 trips over a six month period assuming it is done in a six day week. 2.3 Dimensions The dimensions, materials and layout in section 2.3 of each building are given in the Beighton Extreme Sports Park project information handbook (2011) Snowdome ââ¬â This building would be the largest, (2011) state that the square footage of the Xscape in Milton Keynes is 55,000m2 with a 44m roof. Beighton snowdome will be a lot smaller compared to this with only a small selection of restaurants so the dimensions will total 5,000m2 with a height of just 30m. Skate Park ââ¬â This is an outdoor activity and will be 450m2; the height will be around 8m. A few bars will surround the skate park too adding to the area slightly. Canoe Park ââ¬â (2011) states that their canoe run in Lee Valley is 300m long, again Beighton has a smaller area so the canoe run will only be 200m in length, with picnic areas surrounding the run and some restaurants. Coach and Car Parking ââ¬â Because this is a unique project and its easy accessibility the car park will be around 18,720m2 and floodlight. This includes all the circulation, floodlighting and bay parking areas. In total there will be enough bays for 590 cars 45 of which are for disabled drivers and in addition to this 120 spaces for overspill, plus 10 spaces for coaches. Hotel ââ¬â The hotel will be two floors and have a square footage of 3700m2, it will include the usual hotel amenities such as bar and two restaurants, there will also be 20 rooms on the ground floor and a further 80 on the second floor. Administration Building ââ¬â This will be 180m2 and will be built out of the same materials as the hotel which is timer steel and reinforced concrete. Photo courtesy of Stephen Jay (2011) Figure 3. This is another aerial photograph giving more detail into where the proposed buildings will be constructed. 3. Assessment of Environmental and Socio ââ¬â Economic Effects/ Reasons for Scoping Report 3.1 Flora and Fauna Currently the site is attempting to replant some trees and other smaller plants as shown in figure 4 below, this would ultimately be disrupted by the project. However new shrubs and trees would be planted if the site were constructed and many of the areas round the hotel, admin building and canoe run could retain the local flora and fauna. Figure 4 shows some areas of Beighton Tip that has tried to be rehabilitated with trees and plants, some of this may be lost due to the construction plans. 3.2 Air and Noise Quality The Park will undoubtedly increase traffic in the local area which in turn will increase noise and air pollution, this will partly be due to the proximity of the M1. You read "A scoping report on the Beighton Extreme Sport Park proposal" in category "Essay examples" In popular seasons such as the summer months And weekends the car park may reach its maximum capacity leading to some overspill into the local residential areas, which again would increase noise and air pollution. Because canoeing and skiing are very specialist sports and the site is not a natural habitat for either of these sports, a lot of energy will be used to pump water into the canoe run and ski slope for freezing, this process will lead to a decrease in air quality and may add to problems on a global scale. 3.3 Groundwater Problems The project handbook (2011) states that 1 tonne of snow per day will be used and that inside the snow dome the temperature will be kept at around -2 C .In order for the snow to be produced 1500litres of water will be used per day with an underground tank storing 20,000litres. This could lead to some groundwater problems on the site if the tank were to break and lose water. 3.4 Light Pollution Because the park will be open well into the night, it may cause problems for the local residential areas in terms of constant light during late hours. With the lights from the M25 so close by, the park may add significant light pollution to the local area. A strategic environmental assessment of Devon transport links (pp37:2006) identified some of the main problems linked with light pollution: Light trespass: the intrusion of light into homes Glare: unshielded bright lighting may be hazardous in a relatively small area Sky Glow: the broad orange glow that prevents appreciation of the night sky They discovered that these types of light pollution led to a loss of insects such as moths, disrupted bird migration patterns and even stunted tree and shrub growth. 3.5 Sewage, Waste and Litter Currently there is a river running through the site which for the most part is underground. This is already has been polluted which is clear from the reddish colour which is most probably iron oxides and large amount of litter, figure 5a and b highlights this ; the construction of the site will only increase the amount of sewage in the area which could cause some problems. There is water quality testing points all over the site which are clearly visible in figure 6. Before any work can take place a lot of the rubbish and graffiti will need to be cleaned not just in the site but on some of the walkways leading to the proposed area, this is shown in figures 7 and 8. Recycling points and rubbish bins will be put in place all over the proposed site so as to limit the amount of litter when the project has been constructed. Hopefully the extreme sports park will deter vandalism and litter in the local residential areas. Figure 5a b indicates the iron oxides (on the left) and possible other pollutants that inhibit the local stream that runs through the site Figure 6 shows the water quality stations over the site Figure 7 8 highlights the litter and graffiti problems that the sites has and will need to be addressed. 3.6 Socio-Economic The site will increase traffic in the local residential areas as I have mentioned before and may cause problems in parking if the sports park is full. It could encourage people to use the local shopping centre at Crystal Peaks which in turn would improve cash flows for other local businesses and as I mentioned earlier it would also provide jobs for the local area. Hopefully with more money being pumped into the park and its local businesses improvements could be made by the council on local problems such as: litter and graffiti in other areas outside the park, better transport links, better residential facilities or improvements on current roadways. There is some competition in Xscape Castleford outside Leeds and Milton Keynes which are similar projects; however the main competitor is Sheffield Ski Village which has a dry ski slope. The proposed ski slope at Beighton uses real snow from frozen water which I believe would make it a lot more popular and with the other attractions more successful. 4. Mitigating Measures 4.1 Table of Mitigation Measures and Alternatives Problem Mitigation Alternative Car Park OverspillReduce the size of some of the other proposed constructions and increase the size of the car parkUsing another site close by as extra car parking space Increased TrafficImprove local road networks such as expanding either the M1 or A57 allowing more cars on the road at one time. Encourage more bus routes or easier access to tram lines meaning people from Sheffield would use public transport over cars which would reduce trafficRelocate proposed site to somewhere less residential, which would affect less residential areas and at a site that has even better transport links which could manage the amount of traffic generated by the sports park. Flora and Fauna LossLeave areas of current restoration as much as possibleIntroduce a new programme allowing restoration in other parts of the local area Sewage and WasteBuild more recycling and rubbish points on the siteRecycle rubbish at legally and dump other waste and legal landfill sites Air/Noise QualityClosing the park earlier and opening later, would reduce the amount of emissions and energy used, it would also decrease the noise created by the park at the later hoursUsing the site for other sports which require less energy and generate less noise such as indoor football, tennis etc. 4.2 Potential Dangers or Hazards With such extreme sports there are always going to be risks and possible dangers. At each of the main constructions there will be first aid equipment and in each area there will always be a certified first aider. With the local transport links to medical centres in some of the local residential areas and the A57 leading to central Sheffield there is easy access to medical attention when needed. In terms of the sports themselves, maintenance teams will need to be on site at all times ready to fix any dangerous problems, such as any malfunctions to the machines converting the water to snow or problems with the waterworks in the canoe run. 5. Legislative and Policy Context 5.1 Introduction to EIA Policy and Context Carroll and Turpin (2009) state that the need for legislation when it comes to Town and Country planning which was introduced in 1990 is because it allows developers to apply to local authorities for guidance on whether an EIA is necessary to build on a certain plot of land. They go on to explain that the projects are split into schedule 1 to 3. Schedule 1 projects always require an EIA as they are potentially polluting projects, schedule 2 only need an EIA to establish whether it meets certain criteria or exceeds any thresholds established by the government. Schedule 3 is classed as the criteria needed for screening schedule 2. Due to Beighton extreme sports park not being primarily build for any natural resource extraction or used for any waste disposal it cannot be classed as schedule 1, therefore it must be classed as schedule 2 and 3, therefore screening is needed in order to establish whether the project proposal will meet the necessary thresholds and criteria 5.2 Need for EIA (Schedule 2) All policies and legislation mentioned in section 5.2 and 5.3 was used from from looking at the (1999) the town and country planning regulations it clearly states in schedule 2, section 10 infrastructure projects part b that, ââ¬ËUrban development projects, including the construction of shopping centres and car parks, sports stadiums, leisure centres and multiplex cinemas;ââ¬â¢. It also mentions that all areas of development that exceed 0.5 hectares will require and EIA. The size of the proposed car park is 18,720mà 2 which exceeds the criteria in this section of the schedule. Still referring to schedule 2 of the town and country planning 1999 in section 12 Tourism and Leisure it states that in order for, ââ¬ËSki-runs, ski-lifts and cable-cars and associated developments;ââ¬â¢ to be constructed the threshold is, ââ¬Ëthe area of the works exceeds 1 hectare; or the height of any building or other structure exceeds 15 metresââ¬â¢. The proposed area of the snowdome is 5,000m2 and the height is 30m which exceeds both thresholds. Later on in section 12 it also says that, ââ¬ËHoliday villages and hotel complexes outside urban areas and associated developments;ââ¬â¢ are also included, the proposal also shows that it exceeds these thresholds with the hotel being 3,700m2. 5.3 Need for EIA (Schedule 3) According to the Town and Country Planning 1999 the criteria for screening include, ââ¬Ëcharacteristics of development, location of development and characteristics of potential impactsââ¬â¢. Included in some of these characteristics are criteria such as, ââ¬Ësize of development, pollution and nuisance, the risk of accidents, having regard in particular to substances or technologies used, proximity to nature reserves and parks and the extent of the impact (geographical area and size of the affected population)ââ¬â¢. Also these factors may be affected by the proposed project and will need to be taken into consideration for example as I mentioned earlier some of the sports are considered extreme and accidents could occur, a scoping report would be beneficial in understanding more about the possible dangerous and what can be done to prevent them. The site is also located in very close proximity to the Beighton Marsh Nature Park Bibliography Wood, C. (2003) Environmental Impact Assessment ââ¬â A Comparative Review 2nd Edition, London: Pearson Press DTLR Transport Local Government Regions (2000) Environmental Impact Assessment ââ¬â A Guide to Procedures, London: Telford Press Carroll, B. Turpin, T. (2009) Environmental Impact Assessment Handbook 2nd Edition, London: Thomas Telford Ltd (2011) Details on large buildings on a global scale for skyscraper enthusiasts (Online) Available: (9th March 2011) Jay, S. (2011) Photos of Beighton Tip (Online) Available: (9th March 2011) Devon County Council (2004) Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Devon Local Transport Plan 2006-11 Scoping Report (Online) Available: (15th March 2011) Coughtrie, N. (2011) Photos of Beighton Tip (9th March 2011) (2011) The Home of UK Legislation (Online) Available: (9th March 2011) Jay, S. (2011) Beighton Extreme Sports Park Project Information (9th March 2011) (2003) Map of Beighton tip and surrounding area (Online) Available: (9th March 2011) How to cite A scoping report on the Beighton Extreme Sport Park proposal, Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Vark Learning Styles free essay sample
Individuals have pathways that are specific to them, when information enters those pathways the information is retaining in short-term memory. Repeated exposure and use, promote retention in long-term memory. (What Makes Perceptual Styles a Different Way of Learning. n. d) According to VARK questionnaire, I am a multimodal learner, who learns with two or more ways of learning, in my case I learn with (ARK) aural, means by listening, reading/writing, and kinesthetic, means using my other senses like manipulating and experimenting. Even though I learn, in so many different ways, my preferred style is to read and write and I use the other strategies as the additional support for my enhanced learning experience, which sounds very true because I like to read books and do some research before I attend class. I take notes in points, record the lecture on the recorder so I can hear it again. In addition, I learn by discussing with people about my topics and assignment to get better understanding of it. We will write a custom essay sample on Vark Learning Styles or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I also learn with experiments like trying out a recipe to be able to remember and make changes accordingly. Having a detailed insight of my own learning styles and strategies that I have built upon since my childhood is a helpful tool in using my time and energy effectively. In comparing my preferred learning strategies and identified learning strategies I would say that, there are some similarities and some differences, for example in aural, similarity is that, there is a suggestion to use recorder which I already use but the difference is that, I have always recorded teachers lectures and never recorded my self. In read/ write style of learning the strategies that I use are reading the books and journals and write the notes in points and the suggested strategies are to write in multiple choice questions and essays to prepare for the exam and also rewrite in different words again and again to get the maximum understanding of the topic. Lastly, in my kinesthetic way of learning, I used trial and error and experiments to learn better and the suggested strategies state the same. In addition, I should relate the topics with real life examples and case studies to grasp the concept even deeper. By taking this questionnaire, I have recognized and understood my learning styles and strategies even better and I learned new strategies within my learning styles that I was unaware of before taking this questionnaire. In my aural learning style, I learned that I can even record my self talking about the topic and listen to it again later, saying the answers out loud will also help when I am trying to recall my voices. Also learned that by pretending to talk to my examiner or instructor will give me deeper insight of the topic. Using the quiet places for studying will be beneficial to be able to recall the voices in my head about the topic. In my read/write learning style, I learned that making headings in the notes and writing the definition of words in my own words would help a great deal in understanding of the material. Writing the notes in the form of multiple choice questions and essays and rewriting the essays in different words will be helpful too.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Free Essays on Family and Religious Values
The purpose of this study is to evaluate and check to see if religious and family values determine the respect for and of authority on Wileyââ¬â¢s campus. Studies and observations of other campuses as well as Wiley, has lead this observer to believe that due to the lack of religious and family values, students have grown or became disrespectful to any authority on the collegeââ¬â¢s campus. This authority portrays its self in the form of an Instructor that cannot control his or her class due to the behavior of the students towards the instructor. The authority also comes in the form of policies on cheating and plagiarizing on exams, research papers, and written assignments. Finally, yet importantly do not forget the committing and vagrant disregard for rules and laws, which can range from drugs and alcohol to the parking in handicap spaces without a permit. The findings of this research will show how and to what extent that religious and family values have to play in the de termining respect for and of authority on Wiley campus. Respect for authority comes in many forms. However many scholars believe that the Family and the Religious Values that are installed into or taught to a child influence highly how that child will respect the authority in what ever form that is presented to them. When it comes to how the values of the family responds to the use of alcohol and drugs, the parent must take the No-Alcohol stance. This stance must remain in force and not to be under minded by the parents themselves or anybody else. The bonds that the parent develops with their children and the behavior that they model will go a long way on how our children will look at the use of alcohol and drugs. As well, the parents actions speak louder than what they actually say. It is what the parentââ¬â¢s model to the kidââ¬â¢s that is really the key to how the kid will act in the future, especially when presented with difficult problems or the decision ... Free Essays on Family and Religious Values Free Essays on Family and Religious Values The purpose of this study is to evaluate and check to see if religious and family values determine the respect for and of authority on Wileyââ¬â¢s campus. Studies and observations of other campuses as well as Wiley, has lead this observer to believe that due to the lack of religious and family values, students have grown or became disrespectful to any authority on the collegeââ¬â¢s campus. This authority portrays its self in the form of an Instructor that cannot control his or her class due to the behavior of the students towards the instructor. The authority also comes in the form of policies on cheating and plagiarizing on exams, research papers, and written assignments. Finally, yet importantly do not forget the committing and vagrant disregard for rules and laws, which can range from drugs and alcohol to the parking in handicap spaces without a permit. The findings of this research will show how and to what extent that religious and family values have to play in the de termining respect for and of authority on Wiley campus. Respect for authority comes in many forms. However many scholars believe that the Family and the Religious Values that are installed into or taught to a child influence highly how that child will respect the authority in what ever form that is presented to them. When it comes to how the values of the family responds to the use of alcohol and drugs, the parent must take the No-Alcohol stance. This stance must remain in force and not to be under minded by the parents themselves or anybody else. The bonds that the parent develops with their children and the behavior that they model will go a long way on how our children will look at the use of alcohol and drugs. As well, the parents actions speak louder than what they actually say. It is what the parentââ¬â¢s model to the kidââ¬â¢s that is really the key to how the kid will act in the future, especially when presented with difficult problems or the decision ...
Monday, March 2, 2020
Outlining Simple Homework Guidelines for K-8 Teachers
Outlining Simple Homework Guidelines for K-8 Teachers Homework; the term elicits a myriad of responses. Students are naturally opposed to the idea of homework. No student ever says, ââ¬Å"I wish my teacher would assign me more homework.â⬠à Most students begrudge homework and find any opportunity or possible excuse to avoid doing it. Educators themselves are split on the issue. Many teachers assign daily homework seeing it as a way to further develop and reinforce core academic skills, while also teaching students responsibility.à Other educators refrain from assigning daily homework. They view it as unnecessary overkill that often leads to frustration and causes students to resent school and learning altogether.à Parents are also divided on whether or not they welcome homework.à Those who welcome it see it as an opportunity for their children to reinforce critical learning skills. Those who loathe it see it as an infringement of their childââ¬â¢s time.à They say it takes away from extra-curricular activities, play time, family time, and also adds unnecessary stress. Research on the topic is also inconclusive. You can find research that strongly supports the benefits of assigning regular homework, some that denounce it as having zero benefits, with most reporting that assigning homework offers some positive benefits, but also can be detrimental in some areas. The Effects of Homework Since opinions vary so drastically, coming to a consensus on homework is nearly impossible.à We sent a survey out to parents of a school regarding the topic, asking parents these two basic questions: How much time is your child spending working on homework each night?Is this amount of time too much, too little, or just right? The responses varied significantly. In one 3rd grade class with 22 students, the responses regarding how much time their child spends on homework each night had an alarming disparity.à The lowest amount of time spent was 15 minutes, while the largest amount of time spent was 4 hours.à Everyone else fell somewhere in between.à When discussing this with the teacher, she told me that she sent home the same homework for every child and was blown away by the vastly different ranges in time spent completing it.à The answers to the second question aligned with the first.à Almost every class had similar, varying results making it really difficult to gauge where we should go as a school regarding homework. While reviewing and studying my schoolââ¬â¢s homework policy and the results of the aforementioned survey, I discovered a few important revelations about homework that I think anyone looking at the topic would benefit from: 1. Homework should be clearly defined. Homework is not unfinished classwork that the student is required to take home and complete. Homework is ââ¬Å"extra practiceâ⬠given to take home to reinforce concepts that they have been learning in class.à It is important to note that teachers should always give students time in class under their supervision to complete class work. Failing to give them an appropriate amount of class time increases their workload at home.à More importantly, it does not allow the teacher to give immediate feedback to the student as to whether or not they are doing the assignment correctly.à What good does it do if a student completes an assignment if they are doing it all incorrectly?à Teachers must find a way to let parents know what assignments are homework and which ones are classwork that they did not complete. 2. The amount of time required to complete the same homework assignment varies significantly from student to student.à This speaks to personalization. I have always been a big fan of customizing homework to fit each individual student.à Blanket homework is more challenging for some students than it is for others. Some fly through it, while others spend excessive amounts of time completing it.à Differentiating homework will take some additional time for teachers in regards to preparation, but it will ultimately be more beneficial for students. The National Education Association recommends that students be given 10-20 minutes of homework each night and an additional 10 minutes per advancing grade level. The following chart adapted from the National Education Associations recommendations can be used as a resource for teachers in Kindergarten through the 8th grade. Grade Level Recommended Amount of Homework Per Night Kindergarten 5 ââ¬â 15 minutes 1st Grade 10 ââ¬â 20 minutes 2nd Grade 20 ââ¬â 30 minutes 3rd Grade 30 ââ¬â 40 minutes 4th Grade 40 ââ¬â 50 minutes 5th Grade 50 ââ¬â 60 minutes 6th Grade 60 ââ¬â 70 minutes 7th Grade 70 ââ¬â 80 minutes 8th Grade 80 ââ¬â 90 minutes It can be difficult for teachers to gauge how much time students need to complete an assignment. The following charts serve to streamline this process as it breaks down the average time it takes for students to complete a single problem in a variety of subject matter for common assignment types. Teachers should consider this information when assigning homework. While it may not be accurate for every student or assignment, it can serve as a starting point when calculating how much time students need to complete an assignment. It is important to note that in grades where classes are departmentalized it is important that all teachers are on the same page as the totals in the chart above is the recommended amount of total homework per night and not just for a single class. Kindergarten ââ¬â 4th Grade (Elementary Recommendations) Assignment Estimated Completion Time Per Problem Single Math Problem 2 minutes English Problem 2 minutes Research Style Questions (i.e. Science) 4 minutes Spelling Words ââ¬â 3x each 2 minutes per word Writing a Story 45 minutes for 1-page Reading a Story 3 minutes per page Answering Story Questions 2 minutes per question Vocabulary Definitions 3 minutes per definition *If students are required to write the questions, then you will need to add 2 additional minutes per problem. (i.e. 1-English problem requires 4 minutes if students are required to write the sentence/question.) 5th ââ¬â 8th Grade (Middle School Recommendations) Assignment Estimated Completion Time Per Problem Single-Step Math Problem 2 minutes Multi-Step Math Problem 4 minutes English Problem 3 minutes Research Style Questions (i.e. Science) 5 minutes Spelling Words ââ¬â 3x each 1 minutes per word 1 Page Essay 45 minutes for 1-page Reading a Story 5 minutes per page Answering Story Questions 2 minutes per question Vocabulary Definitions 3 minutes per definition *If students are required to write the questions, then you will need to add 2 additional minutes per problem. (i.e. 1-English problem requires 5 minutes if students are required to write the sentence/question.) Assigning Homework Example It is recommended that 5th graders have 50-60 minutes of homework per night. In a self-contained class, a teacher assigns 5 multi-step math problems, 5 English problems, 10 spelling words to be written 3x each, and 10 science definitions on a particular night. Assignment Average Time Per Problem # of Problems Total Time Multi-Step Math 4 minutes 5 20 minutes English Problems 3 minutes 5 15 minutes Spelling Words ââ¬â 3x 1 minute 10 10 minutes Science Definitions 3 minutes 5 15 minutes Total Time on Homework: 60 minutes 3. There are a few critical academic skill builders that students should be expected to do every night or as needed. Teachers should also consider these things. However, they may or may not, be factored into the total time to complete homework. Teachers should use their best judgment to make that determination: Independent Reading ââ¬â 20-30 minutes per dayStudy for Test/Quiz - variesMultiplication Math Fact Practice (3-4) ââ¬â varies - until facts are masteredSight Word Practice (K-2) ââ¬â varies - until all lists are mastered 4. Coming to a general consensus regarding homework is almost impossible.à School leaders must bring everyone to the table, solicit feedback, and come up with a plan that works best for the majority.à This plan should be reevaluated and adjusted continuously. What works well for one school may not necessarily be the best solution for another.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
To what extent do the narratives of Polybius and Caesar support Essay
To what extent do the narratives of Polybius and Caesar support William Harris's account of the factors driving Roman imperial - Essay Example An empire can thus be defined as ruling people in a wide territory without their consent. On the other hand, imperialism is the attitudes and process that are used to establish and maintain an empire. This is to say that imperialism is a shape shifting process and dynamic; this is because imperialism changes as the society develops. The empire expanded as a result of military expeditions. In this, the essay discusses on Harris view on Roman imperialism and the extent to which Polybius and Caesar narratives support William Harrisââ¬â¢s account of the factors driving Roman imperialism. Different historians have different views on Roman Imperialism. Being one of the earliest historians, Polybius clearly gives a well-defined account of Roman imperialism. He comes up with a theory referred to as ââ¬Å"Cycle of Political Revolutionâ⬠to explain the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. In his theory, he brings up the cycle of Roman imperialism how a new system in leadership comes in causing the old one to be replaced by the new one (Polybius 238). His account relates to William Harris account because he states that just as the man evolved from an animal into a civilized human being the governance system evolves in the same way. As stated earlier, William Harris states that imperialism in the ruling system is dynamic. In his theory ââ¬Å"Cycle of Political Revolutionâ⬠, he shows how with the evolution of manpower came in hence the establishment of a monarchy (Polybius 235). In the Monarchy, power is embossed on one individual within the society. To maintain the Monarchies heirs obtained the position of Monarchies from their parents. However, because the system of government evolved as men become more civilized, the heirs rebelled against the existing ruling system and saw the need to implement new ways of ruling the people. As a result of this, Kingship system was established (Polybius 235). In the Kingship system, democracy is practiced and the leader com es down to common personââ¬â¢s level. Because the system is dynamic, the heirs see the need to distinguish himself from the common person. As a result of this the system of governance changes from democracy to aristocracy. In his theory, Polybius blames the heirs for the change in the system of political governance. For instance, he says that heirs take advantage of the people because when they are born they do not face hardship. The heirs only enjoyed luxuries and wealth that they had not labored. The aristocracy was replaced by oligarchy because the heirs enjoyed wealth and luxury life. In oligarchy, people had a say in the governing process. This means that the people worked together for a democratic state. In a democratic state people have a say in the government affairs (Polybius 241). Because of the democracy, there is freedom of speech and expression. As a result of this everyone expresses his opinion on different issues concerning the state and this result in chaos and mi sunderstanding among the people in the state. Because of the misunderstanding among the members in the state, the strongest and outspoken person takes over as the leader. This resulted in the creation of a Monarchy going back to the first stage of leadership. By this, we see that the system of leadership cycles in one place although the systems take a substantial amount of time to move from one season to another. This clearly shows the application of Polybius theory ââ¬Å"Cycle of Political Revolutionâ⬠in political systems. History defines Julius Caesar as
Sunday, February 2, 2020
To what degree did Hitler use illegitimate tactics vs legitimate Essay
To what degree did Hitler use illegitimate tactics vs legitimate tactics in his rise to power in 1933 - Essay Example The intention of the investigation is purely to obtain information from pieces of the past albeit the same may be utilized in the furtherance of academic studies of the lives and obsessions of world leaders and other significant figures. There are accounts that Hitler did not have fixed and definite plans during the course of his adventurism for influence and control. Instead, he was simply practical and acted pursuant to what he believed was applicable and effective at the moment. (A Pragmatic Approach? BIDEFORD COLLEGE HISTORY DEPTââ¬â¢. Bideford College Online. [internet]). This attitude of Hitler was apparent both in his policies dealing with foreign as well as domestic matters. Hence, as far as regarding the involvement of Germany outside of the nation, Hitler moved his way responsively to whatever then was taking place around the world, particularly the neighbors of Germany in Europe and in other parts of the West. It might therefore be that the dictator did not give too much attention to whether or not the processes of his operations were legitimate. This technique of Hitler was seen when Benito Mussolini started his own expansion by invading Abyssiania in 1935. Assessing the intrusion as having diverted g lobal awareness of the occurrences in Germany, Hitler took similar actions in Rhineland in March 1936 by establishing authority and supremacy in the area. He did not care if his moves were construed as inappropriate and he acted decisively and to the fullest while the opportunity was still at hand. During the incursion, the German leader must be under the belief and perception that it would bring results efficiently and effectively while the allied forces were out of sight. It is very significant to observe that the military campaign clearly violated the Treaty of Versailles which mandated Rhineland to be a neutral ground. (Timeline for WW2: 1933-1941, Beginning of Nazi Germany to Invasion of Soviet Union.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Essay on the Transformation of Beowulf -- Epic Beowulf essays
The Transformation of Beowulf In the length of the poem, Beowulf goes from abandoned child to gallant warrior to King. This transformation, expressed in the tone and content of the poem, shows the importance of the relationship between lord and thane and expresses the ultimate value of that connection. From the difference in battle scenes to Beowulfââ¬â¢s speeches, it is clear that he has gone from a somewhat self-loving hero to a selfless king. Within this change he also goes from serving a lord to becoming a lord, and in that way the poem shows us the importance of both sides of the relationship. Initially it is said that Beowulf goes to flight Grendel because, "he could not brook or abide the fact / that anyone else alive under heaven / might enjoy greater regard than he did" (43). In the end he fights the dragon more for the good of his people than for his own pride; he dies relieved because "[he] has been allowed to leave [his] people / so well endowed" (2796). The battle scenes themselves are also an indicat...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Soap Operas
For other uses, see Soap opera (disambiguation).A soap opera, often referred to simply as a soap, is a serial drama, on television or radio, that related story lines dealing with the lives of multiple characters. The stories in these series typically focus heavily on emotional relationships to the point of melodrama.[1] The name soap opera stems from the fact that many of the sponsors and producers of the original dramatic serials' broadcast on radio were soap manufacturersIntroductionStaying Tuned: Contemporary Soap Opera Criticism examines serials. Broadcast first in 1926 on radio and since 1956 on television Monday through Friday 52 weeks a year, soap operas provide a clear promise to continue for as long as mass mediated entertainment exists. Over the last sixty years, billions have happily suffered along with the gallant men and women of the afternoon. A growing body of scholarly literature exists now to provide insights and suggest answers to the question of why so many continu ally return to the routine tragedies of daytime drama. Each of our chapters explores an aspect of soap opera which contributes to the endurance of the genre.Rodney Andrew Carveth looks at the question of why the audience returns day after day by analyzing the effects of viewing. His ââ¬Å"Exploring the Effects of Love in the Afternoon: Does Soap Opera Viewing Create Perceptions of a Promiscuous World?â⬠discusses how the audience perceives sex in the soaps. Alexander, et. al. study whether women view serial drama differently than men do. Their examination ââ¬Å"Investigating Gender Differences in College Student Soap Opera Viewingâ⬠reveals a further reason for why soap opera remains a compelling form. Frentz and Ketter scrutinize theme by looking at the treatment of sexual activity in daytime drama's stories.ââ¬Å"Everyday Sex in Everyday Dramaâ⬠suggests the power of sexual elements in storytelling be marshalled to provide modeling behavior. Families remain at th e heart of storytelling in televised serial drama. In ââ¬Å"The Nuclear Family Is Alive and Well, As The World Turns,â⬠Gilah Rittenhouse writes that one reason we may be staying tuned is because as audience we are either fantasizing or reminiscing about being part of one big happy family. Deborah Rogers offers a similar viewà about the importance of family in ââ¬Å"The Afternoons of our Livesâ⬠but points out that soaps may be undermining the family with a subtext which institutionalizes female subordination.In another essay, Rodgers reminds us of the importance of contemporary themes as a contributor to staying power of daytime drama. ââ¬Å"AIDS Spreads to the Soaps, Sort Ofâ⬠sheds light on how the creators of serials choose to embrace yet soften current topics. Mariam Darce Frenier attends to the audience in her research by examining the younger set in ââ¬Å"7th and 8th Graders ââ¬ËRead' Daytime Soap Operas in Three West-Central Minnesota Public Schools.à ¢â¬ In search of a non-empirical approach to audience studies, Carol T. Williams considers adult viewers. â⬠ââ¬ËIt's Time for My Story': Oral Culture in the Technological Eraââ¬âTowards a Methodology for Soap Opera Audience Study.â⬠In ââ¬Å"The Fate of the Subject in the Narrative Without Endâ⬠Jane Archer treats us to an analysis of what happens to the major character in a soap opera that keeps us coming back for more. She posits the notion that because they are dependent on the story-telling devices of deferral, contradiction, and repetition, serials underline the instability of closure and the inconsistency of character. Diana C. Reep suggests we listen to ââ¬Å"The Siren Call of the Super Couple: Soap Operas' Destructive Slice Toward Closureâ⬠as a warning knell. Contradicting the definition and purpose of a serial, several characteristics of the Super Couple do not ring true to form.Utilizing feminist theory as a base, Scott Nelson in ââ¬Å"Pin e Valley Prostitute: The Representation of All My Children's Donna Tylerâ⬠submits that this serial serves as a continuing transmission of patriachal values. Vibert C. Cambridge examines the power of serial drama by exploring another mediumââ¬âradio, on another continentââ¬âAfrica. ââ¬Å"Radio Soap Operas in Global Africa: Origins, Applications, and Implicationsâ⬠examines the power of the serial form when pressed into delivering proâ⬠social messages.In ââ¬Å"Soaps & Serials: The Transformation of Daytime Drama into Romance Literature,â⬠Diane M. Calhoun-French analyzes the failure of publishers to capture the essence of the serial form and thus the audience with print efforts. From Dickens and print, to film, then radio, and now television, serials have maintained a powerful hold over audiences. Some of the reasons for this fascinating phenomenon are found in this volume.The 25 most powerful tv shows of the last 25 years 1. Tropikanka: the show that w on a presidential election 2. Melrose place: the show that turned prime time into an art gallery 3. The simpsons: the show that changed how we talk 4. Americaââ¬â¢s most wanted: the show that cleaned up americaââ¬â¢s streets 5. The theorists: the show that made us respect belarusââ¬â¢s actors 6. Glee: the show that boosted the record industry 7. De grote donorshow: the show that became an organ donor 8. Spongebob squarepants: the show that rewired kidsââ¬â¢ brains 9. Star trek: the next generation: the show that saved a genre 10. Curb your enthusiasm: the show that improvised justice 11. Buffy the vampire slayer: the show that spawned an academic discipline 12. Friends: the show that launched a one-hit wonder 13. Csi: the show that gave d.a.ââ¬â¢s headaches 14. How i met your mother: the show that revolutionized product placementBad Effect of Media in Younger Generation 1. IntroductionUntil the mid of the last century most adolescents spend their free time together wi th adults and monitor the behavior and activities of this social group. Therefore adolescents get the abilities they need in society to get well-integrated. Until that time parents, brothers, sisters and relatives were the most important examples for adolescents and children. After the Increasing of technology and globalization mostly everything changed.New Media were created and they not only changed the manufacturing process but also the quality and size of products. This had effects on the social behavior and relationships of young people. The media which influenced the life of mankind the most are mass media like television and internet. It is acquainted that TV was introduced in the 40s in the United States of America. Today TV and internet is a big partIs this Essay helpful? Join OPPapers to read more and access more than 325,000 just like it!Get better grades in the life of many adolescents but also in the life of many adults apart from their financial and social status. Furt hermore the media fascinates children with the mixture of technology, creativity andà possibilities. Many adolescents want to have a job in the media-branch because they dream to be on TV and many of them have the desire of being the next Madonna. Because of that development the question arises how mass media influenced the Youth Culture in the last ten years.What Exactly is a Soap Opera?Soap opera fans are some of the most loyal and vocal viewers out there, and soap opera storylines are some of the wackiest and most romantic on air. But while soaps are generally well known for these very characteristics, it is not uncommon for people to wonder, ââ¬Å"What exactly is a soap opera?â⬠DefinitionBy definition, soap operas are ongoing works of fiction, and episodic in nature. In laymenââ¬â¢s terms, soaps are stories told over an extended period, with different characters being featured at different times. It is rare in soaps to have a quick wrap-up of a storyline, and it is ev en rarer for a story to affect only one or two characters. Most often, a storyline affects several characters, and possibly interconnects with other stories. Perhaps the most common trait of a soap opera is that each episode ends with a promise for more drama the following day, rather than a neat tie-up of that episodeââ¬â¢s story, as youââ¬â¢d find with sitcoms or other dramas.How Soap Operas Got Their NameWhen soap operas began, they were first broadcast on the radio. Called ââ¬Å"dramatic serials,â⬠soap manufacturers such as Procter and Gamble, Colgate-Palmolive, and Lever Brothers were the showââ¬â¢s sponsors. In time, the name ââ¬Å"soap operaâ⬠came to be and has remained ever since.How Soaps Differ from Other TV ProgramsSoap operas tend to focus their plots and storylines around family life, personal and sexual relationships, emotional and moral conflicts and sometimes newsworthy issues such as rape, teen drinking, drug abuse, adoption, illness, addictio n and more. While many of these scenarios might show up in other TV programs, soaps are filmed to reveal the day-to-day lives of its characters, building the story over time.In addition, youââ¬â¢ll find soap staples such as missing siblings, mystery parents, death (andà resurrection), adultery, betrayal, and, yes, even demonic possession. Youââ¬â¢ll also find actors and actresses who are generally more attractive and well dressed than in other mediums, and who are almost certainly more alluring than the showââ¬â¢s viewers. With the exception of The Young and the Restless, which is filmed in High Definition, soaps also tend to have lower visual quality than primetime television programs, mostly due to their smaller budgets and faster production times.Soaps in Prime Time TVDuring the 1980s, primetime serials were a large part of television viewing. Shows such asDallas, Knots Landing, Dynasty, and Falcon Crest all aired to adoring fans. These shows tended to focus more on bu siness conflicts and wealthy families. Their sets were extravagant and the actors dressed to the hilt. When filmed on location, viewers could count on beautiful locales to lure them in. Today, prime time soaps including Desperate Housewives, Ugly Betty and ER are equally as alluring, but much less flashy.Soaps Odd and EndsSoap actors are some of the most skilled actors, as the amount of material they need to memorize and the hours they spend on camera are relentless. Shooting a soap opera often requires plenty of improvisation and quick thinking by the actors. In addition, blocking (the way an actor faces a camera) is slightly unconventional and is contrary to how humans would normally interact. Because their faces are often shown close-up to reveal the emotions relevant to the story, actors may have to tilt their bodies in an unnatural manner, which can be rather challenging.The ending of a scene in which an actor is shown delivering a staggering line or leaving us with a telltale expressive face is called a ââ¬Å"tag.â⬠In the industry, a soap actor is proud when he or she is awarded with a tag.The ââ¬Å"roomsâ⬠on a soap set are often dark and rich in color, with stained walls and leather furniture to portray a sense of wealth. It is also common to find grand floral displays, glittering chandeliers, crystal accessories, and a myriad of other fine furnishings on set.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Torture and Terrorism in the Modern World
Torture is the act of inflicting severe pain to force someone to do or say something. It has been used against prisoners-of-war, suspected insurgents, and political prisoners for hundreds of years. In the 1970s and 1980s, governments began to identify a specific form of violence called terrorism and to identify prisoners as terrorists. This is when the history of torture and terrorism begins. While many countries practice torture against political prisoners, only some name their dissidents terrorists or face potential threats from terrorism. Torture and Terrorism Around the World Governments have used systematic torture in conflicts with rebel, insurgent, or resistance groups in long-running conflicts since the 1980s. It is questionable whether these should always be called terrorism conflicts. Governments are likely to call their non-state violent opponents terrorists, but only sometimes are they clearly engaged in terrorist activity. Examples of torture used by governments around the world include the Israeli Supreme Courts License to Torture ruling, Russias use of torture techniques in the Chechnya war, and Egypts torture of both domestic and foreign terrorists. Interrogation Practices Considered to be Torture The issue of torture in relation to terrorism was raised publicly in the United States in 2004 when news of a 2002 Memorandum issued by the Justice Department for the CIA suggested that torturing Al Qaeda and Taliban detainees captured in Afghanistan might be justified to prevent further attacks on the U.S. A subsequent memo, requested by former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in 2003, similarly justified torture on detainees held at the Guantanamo Bay detention center. The UN has a clear definition of torture, as determined by a General Assembly resolution that dates to 1984. A scandal erupted in the U.S. media in 2004 when photos from the Abu Ghraib prison surfaced, proving that the American military has been engaged in some practices that break with this resolution.à It has since been proven that America uses several specific torture techniques when questioning prisoners. It was reported by The New Yorker that these techniques turned deadly at least once at the Abu Ghraib prison. Legislation Since 9/11 In the years immediately preceding the 9/11 attacks, there was no question that torture as an interrogation practice is out-of-bounds for American military personnel. In 1994, the United States passed a law prohibiting the use of torture by the American military under any circumstances. Furthermore, as a signatory, the U.S. was bound to comply with the 1949 Geneva Convention. This specifically prohibits torturing prisoners-of-war. After 9/11 and the beginning of a Global War on Terror, the Department of Justice, Department of Defense, and other offices of the Bush Administration issued a number of reports on whether aggressive detainee interrogation practices and suspending Geneva Conventions is legitimate in the current context. These documents include the 2002 Justice Departments torture memo, the 2003 Defense Department Working Group Report, and the 2006 Military Commissions Act. International Conventions Against Torture Despite ongoing debates about whether torture is justified against terrorism suspects, the world community finds torture repugnant under any circumstances. Its not a coincidence that the first of the declarations below appeared in 1948, just after the end of the Second World War. The revelation of Nazi torture and science experiments performed on German citizens in World War II produced a global abhorrence of torture conducted by any partyà ââ¬âà but especially sovereign states. International Conventions Against Torture1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights1948 European Convention on Human Rights1955 Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights1969 American Convention on Human Rights1975 World Medical Association Declaration of Tokyo1975 Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Torture1984 Convention Against Torture Sources Bybee, Jay S., Assistant Attorney General. Memorandum for Alberto R. Gonzales Counsel to the President. Standards of Conduct for Interrogation under 18 U.S.C. 2340-2340A, Office of Legal Counsel, U.S. Department of Justice, The National Security Archive, The George Washington University, August 1, 2002, Washington, D.C. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Office of the High Commissioner, United Nations Human Rights, OHCHR, December 10, 1984. Mayer, Jane. A Deadly Interrogation. The New Yorker, November 6, 2005. UN expert alarmed at Israeli Supreme Courts license to torture ruling. Office of the High Commissioner, United Nations Human Rights,à OHCHR, February 20, 2018. Wines, Michael. Chechens Tell of Torture in Russian Camp. The New York Times, February 18, 2000.
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